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Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held at Peeranawadi (Dist. Belgaum)

The only solution to all problems faced by Hindus is establishment of Hindu Rashtra : Kiran Duse

from left – Shri. Kiran Duse and Dr. Sou. Shilpa Kothavale

Belgaum : Hindus are facing many problems. Incidents of attack on Hindus are increasing. Lack of unity and lack of ‘Dharmashikshan’ amongst Hindus has led to their present most miserable condition. Hindu Dharma can be preserved with able unification of Hindus and for that, ‘Dharmashikshan’ is very important. The only solution to all problems faced by Hindus is establishment of Hindu Rashtra, stated Shri. Kiran Duse of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) during ‘Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha (sabha)’ held on 10th April. Dr. (Sou) Shilpa Kothavale of Sanatan Sanstha shared the dais with him. Devout Hindus from Peeranawadi shouldered the full responsibility of arranging this ‘sabha’ at Peeranawadi. They collected more than 250 devout Hindu youth for this ‘sabha’.

Dr. (Sou) Shilpa Kothavale spoke about various problems like conversions, cow-slaughter, love jihad etc. faced by Hindus and how to perform daily, even small religious rituals as per ‘Dharma-shastra’ so that it would give spiritual benefits and increase our love and respect towards Dharma. Statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was garlanded before starting the ‘sabha’. The ‘sabha’ was compeered by Shri. Anjesh Kanagalekar. Dr. (Sou) Shilpa Kothavale was welcomed by Sou. Bharati Chougule, the President of local ‘Adarsh Mahila Mandal’ and Shri. Rakesh Talwar, President of Gram-Panchayat Peeranawadi welcomed Shri. Kiran Duse.


1. Five children attending Bal-sanskar class from Peeranawadi extended valuable assistance in the ‘sabha’. They cleaned the ground where the ‘sabha’ was to be held.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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