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Central Archaeology Department neglecting Ajanta-Ellora caves !

Archaeology Department has been neglecting all ancient treasures in this country and the Central Government needs to find a firm solution for protection of such treasures !

Sambhajinagar : UNESCO has declared Ajanta-Ellora caves as an excellent example of Indian architecture; but the Central Archaeology Department (CAD) has been paying no attention to their preservation and maintenance since past few years which is unpardonable. The condition of Ajanta-Ellora Caves is therefore, pathetic.

1. These caves are under the control of CAD but nothing has been done for the protection of sculptures at these places; there is neither preservation nor any maintenance.

2. An explosion of gas cylinder in one of the unauthorized hotels built in the area of caves was said to be the cause of crack developed in the caves.

3. Two months ago, shooting of a film was also allowed in this area during which few artistes were sitting on the sculptures for shooting. (Stringent action should be taken against them and ban should be imposed for filming in this area. – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

4. Limbs of many statues have been missing and sculpture of elephant near the entrance gate has also been damaged. (Indians spoiling our ancient treasures are anti-nationals ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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