‘Dharma-drohi’ Trupti Desai enters temple sanctum at Trimbakeshwar bypassing devotees standing in queue !

Please note that the Govt. using police force at Shani Mandir, Shani Shingnapur; Shri Mahalakshmi Mandir, Kolhapur and temple-sanctum of Trimbakeshwar for people to enter, never uses such police force for taking action against loudspeakers fitted on mosques which are hooted before 6.00 a.m. all over India although Courts have imposed restrictions on their use ! Only establishment of Hindu Rashtra can bring change in this situation !

  • Local residents show black flags to protest against people deliberately breaking religious traditions !
  • Devotees enraged because instead of coming in queue for ‘darshan’, anti-Hindus entered sanctum bypassing devotees standing in queue !
  • Devotees break down as age-old tradition are broken !

Trimbakeshwar : Out of strong hunger for publicity, Bhoomata Brigade’s Trupti Desai and other 3 women entered the temple sanctum of Trimbakeshwar by discarding Dharma-shastra and playing with religious sentiments of devotees. Trimbakeshwar is one of the 12 ‘Jyotirlingas’. These fake devotees broke even the queue of devotees who were standing for ‘darshan’ and bypassing the queue, directly entered temple sanctum. Desai and 3 women with her were wearing sari at that time. They have thus intensified the anger of local citizens by purposely breaking religious traditions followed here for hundreds of years. Black flags were displayed by local residents to condemn the incident. Several local residents couldn’t control tears as the heretic women entered temple sanctum. (It is a strong demand of Hindus with the Government that Hindus’ religious sentiments should be respected. Hindus expect that the Government should not fall prey to anti-Dharma impudence of Trupti Desai ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

1. Owing to publicity stunts of Trupti Desai, temple area was looking like a military camp. Barricades were erected at many places in temple area creating inconvenience to devotees.

2. Trupti Desai entered temple sanctum in the name of equality; however, local women residents are going to follow the tradition and have ‘darshan’ only from outside so as to abide by Dharma. (Devout local residents who follow religious traditions are the true strength of Hindu Dharma ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

3. Desai was taken to temple sanctum under police protection by intimidating other devotees when a woman devotee protested. Police also jostled with few devotees at that time.

4. Local residents observed ‘Bandh’ in the morning to condemn this incident.

Board displayed by hurt local residents seeking pardon from Lord Shiva for breaking religious traditions followed at Trimbakeshwar temple !

A spontaneous response by a devout woman against Trupti Desai

Other devotees had to wait for ‘darshan’ due to Trupti Desai and Trupti Deshmukh, a local resident expressed anger over such inconvenience caused by Desai. She said to media-persons that she visits the temple every day but today she was stopped. Trupti Desai staged agitation for breaking religious traditions; so she is taken under police protection for ‘darshan’ and we come here for ‘darshan’ every day because of our deep devotion for the Deity but we are stopped. A woman who doesn’t even apply kumkum over her forehead neither smears ‘bhasma’; who doesn’t know what is religious sentiment, is going for ‘darshan’ by police stopping other devotees from having ‘darshan’, what kind of justice is this ? Trupti Desai is just coming here; showing that she is doing something which in fact, is her publicity stunt. (Congratulations to Trupti Deshmukh for standing up against anti-Dharma acts ! Such devout women are true strength of Hindu Dharma ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat) Women-police on duty forcibly took Trupti Deshmukh away from TV news channels’ cameras. (Police throttling democracy ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

Women will get respectful entry in all temple sanctum ! – anti-Dharma statement of Trupti Desai

After coming out of temple, having ‘darshan’, Trupti Desai told reporters, “It is our demand that just like Shani Shingnapur and Trimbakeshwar, wherever women are banned from entering any temple in India, should be now allowed and we are going to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi in next month for this issue. It is our firm belief that women would be allowed to enter temple sanctums of all temples with due respect.” (Respect given to Trupti Desai for trampling religious traditions as advised in Dharma-shastra, is actually a sin in God’s Court and millions of devout Hindu women of this country know it although Desai and few women might not realize the same; therefore, it should be noted that majority of women would abide by Dharma ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

Noteworthy incidents happening after anti-Hindu Dharma started their agitation for entry at a place which is prohibited for women

Since past 3-4 months, Trupti Desai has started agitation for her demand that women should be allowed at all religious places where entry is prohibited for them. Local residents of Trimbakeshwar reported few noteworthy incidents to representative of Dainik Sanatan Prabhat.

1. Few days back, devotees felt slight shifting of Shiva-pindi.

2. Brahmadev’s ‘Shalunka’ is found to be dry despite ‘Jalabhishek’ over the same when due to continuous flow of water over Shiva-pindi, ‘shalunka’ never remains dry.

3. On 21st and 22nd April, lot of smoke in sanctum was noticed as the temple was opened when there was no reason for such smoke.

4. Trimbakeshwar temple always sends out signals whenever some calamity is to befall this country; as was noticed at the time of Indira Gandhi declaring emergency or south India hit by tsunami etc. It was found that there were bubbles over water in temple sanctum, 4 days before tsunami. (Hindus temples are not just idols of Deities but the idols have principle of respective Deity and people with true devotion get experiences of their presence. Women activists are however staging agitations out of hunger for publicity which is ‘Dharma-droha’. It shows that Lord Shiva has given message of unrighteousness happening through few incidents. – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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