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Devout Hindus impressed with Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held at Nandura

Paush Shuddha Dwitiya, Kaliyug Varsha 5111

Nandura (Dist. Amaravati, Maharashtra): In the assembly hall of Sree Vitthal Mandir in Nandura, ‘Hindu Dharma-jagruti Sabha’ was held on behalf of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) to create ‘Dharma-tej’ among Hindus. The meeting was addressed by Mr. Hemant Khatri, the district coordinator of HJS for Amaravati and Miss Ketaki Thakare of ‘Ranaragini’. The meeting was attended by about 150 devout Hindus.

Mr. Khatri elaborated on the issue of oppression of Hindus by the Government under the guise of secularism and appeasement of followers of other religions, by giving examples. Miss Ketaki Bhosale made an appeal to the women to become ‘Ranaragini’ by keeping the ideal of ‘Rani of Jhansi’ Lakshmibai before them. The meeting ended with singing of ‘Vande Mataram’.


1. The meeting held after the ‘Sabha’ was also well attended by devout Hindus.
2. There was a demand to start ‘Dharmashikshan’ (Knowledge about Hindu Dharma) classes.
3. Few youth members informed that they got to know the importance of ‘Dharmacharan’ (To follow principles of Hindu Dharma) and their resolve to follow the same.

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