Bajrang Dal Training camps in national interest, opposers have selfish motives : Dr. Jain

A file photo of Bajrang Dal camp

New Delhi : The kind of unnecessary controversy that has been created around the closing ceremony of the regional training camp of the Bajrang Dal in Ayodhya smacks of roguish mischievousness. This is an attempt to jeopardise Hindu-Muslim camaraderie and disparage the entire Muslim community by branding them as terrorists, Dr Surendra Jain, Int’l Jt Secy, VHP said today.

This is not the first time that a training camp of this kind has been organised. For the last 25 years, training camps based on the same principles/curriculum have been a regular feature of the Bajrang Dal activities. This is purely an organisational event, said Dr Surendra Jain. Anyone who is trying to portray this as some sort of a conspiracy hatched by the central government or even remotely associates this with the state elections that are due in Uttar Pradesh next year is completely ignorant of the history of the Bajrang Dal or is someone who simply revels in creating sensationalism.

No questions had ever been asked in the last 25 years on these training camps of the Bajrang Dal. But now an attempt is being made to communally polarise the society and a conspiracy is being hatched to drag a popular and successful union government into a controversy. The kind of training provided at these camps is perfectly within the ambit of the law. Thousands of akhadas all over the country impart the same kind of training and all this is done publicly and nothing is ever under wraps.

We all know that the countries or states that have successfully countered terrorism have been able to do it only with the cooperation of the society. Punjab is a glowing example of this where terrorism was completed eliminated with the help of the people of the state. No country in the world has bore the brunt of terrorism like India has, therefore people and organisations that inspire people to fight terrorism should be rewarded and not vilified.

The attire, the kind of outfit and robes that the terrorists-used as symbolic targets-were wearing was inspired from what is shown in the media only. The videos released by ISIS have been showing Laden, Yakub and Baghdadi in a particular kind of attire which has become a standard symbol of terrorist attire. Therefore, it is these terrorist organisations which should take the blame for the generalisation of this attire; there is no way the blame for this can be laid at the doorstep of the Bajrang Dal which was only following a media pattern.

The way the Uttar Pradesh government is going after the Bajrang Dal is ample proof that the state government is trying to polarise the society on communal lines only to benefit in the state assembly elections. In doing this, the state government is only trying to conceal its failure in stopping terrorist activities in the state and the attacks on the Hindu society. If they really want to do something in favour of the nation, then they should act against the Dar-ul-Uloom, Deoband, which issues anti-national fatwas and is a source of inspiration for terrorists. The nation is already reeling under the nefarious activities of such muslim organisations, by indicting the Bajrang Dal, the state government should not fall into the trap laid by the terrorist organisations.

Bajrang Dal is an organisation that acts only in the interests of the nation. Only the terrorists and anti-national elements take offence at its activities. Anyone raising its fingers at the organisation should first understand the activities of the organisations. In 32 years of its existence, the Bajrang Dal has so many records to its credit, “the largest blood donation camp in one single day, running a cow-protection programme where lakhs of cows are cared for, anti-conversion programmes, fight against the terrorists to save the Amarnath yatra pilgrims, making the ‘baba budha amaranth ki yatra’ successful in Poonch,” and the list could go on and on. The organisation leaves no stone unturned in offering voluntary service whenever there is a natural calamity in the country, the governors of various states stand testimony to this, said Dr Surendra Jain.

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