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Demonstration of unity by devout Hindus in Bhagwan Sree Hariharnath’s Dnyanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Paush Shuddha Saptami, Kaliyug Varsha 5111

Dnyanpur (Uttar Pradesh): Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) which is engaged in creating awareness among Hindus towards ‘Dharmashikshan’(Imparting knowledge of Hindu Dharma) and ‘Dharmacharan’ (To follow principles of Hindu Dharma) as also towards need for unity among Hindus organized a ‘Dharmajagruti’ Sabha (meeting) in Bhagawan Sree Hariharnath’s Dnyanpur. The meeting was attended by 1800 devout Hindus who could experience a glimpse of Hindu unity.

Inauguration of Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha by lighting a Samai (A Lamp)

Inauguration of Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha by lighting a Samai (A Lamp)

The ‘Sabha’ began with recitation of ‘Veda-mantras’. Sree Keshav Krupal Maharaj, the President of Tulsi Seva Ashram, Chitrakut addressed the meeting, followed with guidance by Mr. Jagjeevan Pande of Sree Dharmashiksha Mandal Sabha on the topic ‘Exploitation of Hindus owing to terrorism’.

In his speech to motivate the youth, Mr. Rajan Kesari of Dharmashakti Sena said that our young generation can save this country and Dharma. Hindu youth must come together and enhance the Hindu ‘Dharmatej’. Dr. (Miss) Maya Patil of ‘Ranaragini’ made an appeal to the women to follow ‘Dharmacharan’ and unite for protection of Dharma. She said that women are leading in all fields but they lack bravery. This lack of valour and drifting away from ‘Dharmacharan’ has made them weaker section. This is how, Dr. Maya Patil analyzed the present sorry state of women. Mr. Vaibhav Aphale of HJS explained about the present condition of Nation and Dharma to the participants.

Miss Nishali Singh of HJS compeered the program which was ended with singing of ‘Vande Mataram’.


1. A person started to talk against HJS when the devout Hindus asked him to leave.

2. The play presented by children aroused interest in many people to attend the ‘Sabha’.

3. Many people expressed their opinion that such kind of programs should be held often to guide them.

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