Udupi (Karnataka) : Demonstrations were held under aegis of ‘Rashtriya Hindu Andolan’ on 12th June in morning, near the bus-stand. Members of Sanatan Sanstha, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS), Hindu Vidhidnya Parishada (HVP) and other pro-Hindu organizations participated in the demonstrations. Shri. Vijaykumar explained the purpose of holding demonstrations. Shri. Dinesh Nayak of HVP, Shri. Ramesh Peltturu, Chief Officer of Peltturu Mahalingeshwar Devasthan and many devout Hindus joined the demonstrations; besides, 11 ‘jidnyasus’ who spontaneously participated in demonstrations.
1. It rained heavily since morning but rain stopped 20 minutes before start of demonstrations.
2.8 men and 3 women passing by the venue, decided spontaneously to join demonstrations.