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REVEALED : Orlando shooter’s chilling Facebook posts from inside club

Omar_MateenIn the hours after he blasted his way into an Orlando gay nightclub, and with his victims lying dead or wounded around him, Omar Mateen took to Facebook to pledge his loyalty to the Islamic State and threaten more attacks on the civilised world, a key lawmaker privy to the gunman’s posts told

Senator Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican and chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, was quoted as saying that in the hours between the time that Mateen entered the Pulse nightclub on Saturday night and was killed by gunfire Sunday morning, he had broadcast messages on social media that advertised his commitment to a radical form of Muslim thought.

Mateen’s social media posts have since disappeared from public view.

“I pledge my alliance to (ISIS leader) Abu Bakr al Baghdadi… May Allah accept me,” Mateen wrote in one post early Sunday morning. “The real Muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the West. You kill innocent women and children by doing us airstrikes… Now taste the Islamic state vengeance.”

Mateen also wrote, “America and Russia stop bombing the Islamic State,” and, in his final post, “In the next few days you will see attacks from the Islamic State in the USA.”

The senator has also written a letter to Facebook executives expressing concern about Mateen’s postings and asking for more information on his activities.

Johnson called on Facebook to hand over all information the company has on Mateen for review and to brief his committee on all of Mateen’s activity logs, Facebook timeline information, Facebook messages, photos, and posts by June 29.

Meanwhile, investigators are trying to determine whether Noor Salman, the widow of gunman Omar Mateen, should face charges for not reporting what she knew.

A US attorney plans to bring evidence before a federal grand jury to determine whether charges will be brought, according to two law enforcement officials.

Salman had told investigators that Mateen told her he had interest in carrying out a jihadist attack — but she denied knowing of any specific plans.

Source : Rediff

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