Hindus are converted by Muslims through ‘love jihad’ and by Christians through service. A Hindu girl elopes with a Muslim youth and becomes Muslim by marrying him, is also conversion. She however realizes it after oppression when it is too late. It destroys whole life of that girl. It is difficult to explain such bitter truth to Hindu girls due to lack of Dharmashikshan. Owing to lack of Dharmashikshan, Muslims and Christians are overpowering us even today. Hindus provide all facilities to their children but they don’t inculcate right ‘sanskars’ amongst the children. Hindus should take out some time from their work and inculcate good ‘sanskars’ in children. We need to know the laws while protecting Hindu girls from ‘love jihad’. We can put curb over conversions through the medium of law.
Hindus living in slums should also be united by pro-Hindu organizations since Christian missionaries have long back reached such remote parts where even a two-wheeler cannot enter. These missionaries take Hindu names and under the guise of service, convert Hindus.
A ‘rave’ party was organized at Jabalpur. We opposed to it but we could not stop it; however, we could bring curb over consumption of liquor in this party. Similar party was organized again and we strongly opposed to the same; therefore, police didn’t grant permission and it was cancelled. Organizers of such parties are always Muslims.
Guidance by Sanatan Sanstha and HJS helping in carrying out ‘Dharma-karya’ ! – Shri. Atul Jeswani, Founder-President, Hindu Seva Parishada, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
‘Hindu Seva Parishada’ is fighting against attacks on Hindus and getting success. It is possible to do ‘Dharma-karya’ owing to guidance of Sanatan Sanstha and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti. Even a 90 year- old pro-Hindu organization is not giving so much of guidance as given by these two organizations.