‘Dharmashiksha’ is our mirror. Modern education system turns us into a cat but when we get ‘Dharmashiksha’, we realize our true identity that we are actually lions. We start working for protection of Dharma bravely as a lion. Even if one lion is thus created out of ‘Dharmashiksha’, he is enough to rule over the whole jungle and therefore, ‘Hindutvavadi’ activists need to get trained in ‘Dharmashiksha’ and abide by Dharma. ‘Dharmashiksha’ increases ‘Brahma-Tej’ in us and since we realize our true identity, ‘Kshatra-Tej’ is also generated in us, said Shri. Vishwanath Kundu of ‘Hindu Seva Manch’, Assam during all-India Hindu Convention.
He said while explaining the importance of ‘Dharmashiksha’, “Prabhu Shriram performed ‘puja’ of Shri Durga Devi before leaving for eliminating Ravana. Pandavas were on the side of Dharma; still they had to seek help of Shrikrushna. Today, we are also working for protection of Dharma like Pandavas; so we should take God with us while doing the work.”
Changes in local youth due to ‘Dharmashiksha’ !
Presently, we have started ‘Dharmashiksha’ classes. We could get activists who are working for Dharma selflessly and with total dedication only because of ‘Dharmashiksha’ class. These activists were offered baits by various political leaders but they didn’t fall prey to any bait. Some youth members had addiction but after starting chanting, the addiction slowly reduced and now they are totally out of it. Today, they are going where I am unable to go and taking chanting sessions. It is all only because of God’s grace.”