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ISIS releases chilling map of its ‘covert units’ across the world


The bloodthirsty fundamentalists – suspected of carrying out the horrific attack on Istanbul airport this week – have released a chilling graphic outlining the terrifying reach of their influence.

A special map, released to mark two years since ISIS declared its so-called caliphate in Syria and Iraq, divides the world into areas of major, medium and covert control.

The depraved death cult – also known as Daesh – claim to exert medium control in countries stretching from Eastern Europe to the Far East.

They include Nigeria – where brutal terror cell Boko Haram is extending its control in the north of the country – as well as war-torn Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen.

And covert units are said to be operating in countries struck by the jihadis in recent months – including France, Turkey and Lebanon.


A bloody spate of terror attacks killed 130 people in Paris in November – just 10 months after Islamist gunmen attacked the offices of magazine Charlie Hebdo.

And bombings killed 43 civilians in the Lebanese capital Beirut just a day earlier.

Tunisia – where 30 British tourists were among 38 killed in a brutal gun massacre at a beachside hotel last June – is also highlighted as an area of covert influence.

The twisted jihadis also claim to exert major control over Iraq and Syria – despite suffering a series of humiliating defeats in recent months.

Earlier this week, ISIS’ key Iraqi stronghold of Fallujah fell to government forces in what is being hailed as a turning point in the war against extremists in Iraq.

Photos and News Source : Express UK

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