At present, Ramayana Masam (month) is going on in Kerala. During this period, at many Hindu houses, Ramayanam is read daily for one month. On one such occasion, activists of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti were invited to give a lecture on ‘Present state of Nation and Dharma and solutions for the same’.
On the occasion, Kum. Aditi Sukhtankar of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti told that the present situation of our society, Nation and Hindu Dharma is very bad. The main reason behind it is ‘adharma’.
Today people all over Bharat are blindly following the western culture and they do not believe in Dharma at all. They are only behind materialistic goals. Hence, our Nation and Dharma is in dire states. Religious conversion, Love Jihad and many such problems are on the rise due to this. The only thing to curb this, is to learn about Hindu Dharma and practice it (dharmacharan). During Ramayana masam people come together daily. This should be continued even after this one month, ie. Hindus should come together to learn about Hindu Dharma atleast once or twice every week. In addition, it is necessary that all Hindus give atleast 1 hour daily for protection of Hindu Dharma, which is not only our duty towards our Dharma, but also a big step in the path of establishment of a Hindu Rashtra.
Around 70 people took benefit of this lecture.