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Our way of life is under threat from radical Islam : Donald Trump

donald_trumpWashington : Donald Trump on Thursday came down heavily on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton saying, she is unfit to lead the country.

Reacting to Clinton’s  speech at the Democratic Convention, Trump said: “Our way of life is under threat by Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say the words.”
Coming down heavily on Clinton, the Republican presidential candidate tweeted: “Hillary’s refusal to mention Radical Islam, as she pushes a 550% increase in refugees, is more proof that she is unfit to lead the country.”

He further lambasted Hillary on the economic front saying, “She will never reform Wall Street. She is owned by Wall Street.”

“Hillary’s vision is a border less world where working people have no power, no jobs, no safety,” Trump tweeted

“Hillary’s wars in the Middle East have unleashed destruction, terrorism and ISIS across the world,” his another tweet said.

Hitting out at the Democratic presidential nominee, Trump said, wherever Hillary goes corruption and devastation follows her. He further said, “No one has worse judgement than Hillary Clinton.”

Source : Zee News

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