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Putin to terrorists: I swear if they bomb Russia, in half an hour every islamist will die

PutinVladimir Putin is reportedly mounting an enormous military mission to take control of the Islamic State’s strongholds in Raqqa. This is the self proclaimed capital of Islamic state militants. Putin is set to mobilise 1,50,000 reservists for a major military operation against ISIS.

After the Paris attack he told UK and France that he is ready to join hands with them in order to defeat the ISIS at the earlier. But the hesitation of European and current American regime is a matter of concern for all the world leaders who care for this cause.

Earlier Putin openly praised Trump and his Anti Radical islam stand and said Trump is a smart guy. Trump is also keeping good relationship with the Russian president and is ready for good working relationship with Putin if he is elected as American President.

Trump and Putin will be a deadly combo against Global Islamic terrorism and India can also join hands with them. Because ISIS is targeting india clearly in the name of religion. Putin’s tough stand against islam is really a blessing for the world as the world is dealing with the biggest threat of 21st Century.

Source : TerrorScoop

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