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Vile ISIS propaganda mag calls on jihadis to destroy Christianity


The terrorists’ latest rambling propaganda magazine contains a warning for Christians and Jews that they will be crushed by ISIS.

The claims predicting the end for Christianity follow a string of attacks across Europe celebrated by the barbaric militia group.

Dabiq, the militants’ online mouthpiece, encourages Christians to “break the cross” before offering them two options: risk death in a “futile” war against ISIS or convert to Islam and “enter the Gardens of Paradise”.

The article states: “[Christians] have the option of trying to cling to the transient luxuries of this life, rejecting the truth in favour of either paying jizyah [tax] to the Islamic State or continuing to wage a futile war against it.

“Alternatively, they can heed the warning of Allah that the worldly life is not guaranteed even for those who pursue it at the expense of their salvation, and thus choose to embrace Islam, champion the truth, attain the mercy of their Lord, and enter the Gardens of Paradise.”

The latest edition of Dabiq – the 15th to be released by the group – contains several disturbing images of beheadings and stonings, as well as violent calls to arms against the US and its allies.

The authors also claim recent attacks in Western cities “make complete sense” as a punishment for insulting the prophet, burning the Koran and waging war against the so-called caliphate.

They write: “An act of senseless violence? One would think that the average Westerner, by now, would have abandoned the tired claim that the actions of the mujahidin – who have repeatedly stated their goals, intentions, and motivations – don’t make sense.

“The only thing senseless would be for there to be no violent, fierce retaliation in the first place!”

Church leaders including Pope Francis, figures within the Greek Orthodox church and Coptic christians are among those singled out for attack in the latest edition of Dabiq, which runs to 45,000 words.

The article also warns those in the West that the “war against Islam will neither succeed nor benefit you. You will fail because you fight against those who have allied with Allah.”

It continues: “Do you claim that Jews and Christians follow the right religion and that they will enter the kingdom of heaven? There is no proof for this.”

And it highlights ISIS-inspired massacres in the US, including in Orlando and California, calling those who carried out the killings “knights”.

In an interview with a fighter referred to as Abu Sa’d at-Trinidadi, a former Christian from Trinidad and Tobago who converted to Islam, the group’s followers are sickeningly encouraged to “follow the example of the lions in France and Belgium, the example of the blessed couple in California, and the examples of the knights in Orlando and Nice”.

Deadly attacks in those cities cost the lives of hundreds of innocent people.

A photo of the White House illuminated in the rainbow flag for pride is also accompanied with the caption branding the US president a “sodomite”.

Source : Express UK

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