Agra : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) has undertaken a drive at Agra from 1st to 15th August for prevention of abuse of national flags, taking place on the occasion of Independence Day. This drive has been receiving spontaneous response from police, local administration, newspapers and patriotic citizens.
Under such drive, representation was submitted to the additional city Magistrate Yogendrakumar in Agra and the District Collector issued a circular on 3rd August in this context imposing ban on plastic national flags.
Awareness created in colleges to maintain honour of national flags !
Smt. Monica Singh and Shri. Thakur Singh of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti created awareness amongst students of Saraswati Shishu Mandir and private coaching class for final CA examination, on maintaining honour of national flags. The local newspapers also gave extensive publicity to HJS drive.
Representation submitted by HJS to District Collector at NOIDA
Representation was submitted by HJS to District Collector Bachhusingh Yadav for preventing abuse of national flags. He was also given a VCD on this subject. Shri. Arvind Gupta, Kum. Kiran Mahato and Smt. Snehalata Yadav of HJS were present on the occasion.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat
HJS submits representation to Tehsildar at Baramati
Baramati (Dist. Pune) : Children buy plastic or paper national flags on 15th August to celebrate Independence Day. After its use, such flags are thrown anywhere on the roads etc. leading to their denigration. A representation was submitted by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti to Tehsildar Shri. Thombare; demanding to prevent denigration of national flags.
Shri. Prakash Jadhav, Shri. Dinesh Nayak, Sou. Kalyankar, Sou. Gauri Joshi, Sou. Sangita Burade, Sou. Sindhu Kumbhar of HJS were present on the occasion.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat