Kolhapur : Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi had referred to ‘Gou-rakshaks’ as anti-social elements. He should withdraw his derogatory statement, was the demand made by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) through a representation submitted to the Dy. District Collector Shri. Barge on 12th August. Shri. Sambhaji Bhokare, Dy. District-Chief of Shiv Sena, its Karveer taluka-Chief Raju Yadav, Shri. Shivapratishthan Hindustan’s Rahul Nagtilak, Ashish Lokhande, Bajarang Dal’s Sudhakar Parmani, ‘Vande Mataram Youth organization’s Avadhut Bhatye, Yuva Sena’s Bhau Chougule, ‘Hindu Ekata Andolan’s Shivajirao Sase, Shiv Sena’s Bhudargad Taluka-Chief Prakash Patil, ‘Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana’s President Dhanaraj Ghadage, HJS activists and Sanatan seekers were present on the occasion. Devout Hindus had discussions with Shri. Shankar Barge about PM’s statement. Shri. Barge promised devout Hindus that their sentiments would be conveyed to the PM.