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Hindu trader shot in Pakistan’s Sindh province for demanding payment of Rs 500


A Hindu trader was shot by two unidentified assailants at Kashmir in Sindh province of Pakistan. The attackers came on bike and fled after shooting the trader brandishing their weapons.

The trader was identified as Prakash Kumar, who was rushed to a local hospital, where his condition was said to be stable. According to eyewitnesses, two youths came on a bike and headed directly to victim’s shop. Some altercation ensued between them following which gunshots were fired.

The Background

Some two months ago, a woman of the same locality had purchased some clothes from Prakash’s shop saying that she would pay the bill later. The bill amount was Rs 500 (Pakistani Rupee).

On Sunday, the same woman visited his shop again and wanted to buy some more clothes. Prakash, instead, demanded that the unpaid bill be cleared first.
The woman refused to pay the bill alleging that the clothes, she purchased two months back, were of bad quality. The woman insisted to return those clothes, which he refused. Prakash told the woman that no shopkeeper would take back clothes after two months of use.

Locals said that after Prakash refused to exchange those clothes, the woman returned home. After some time, bikers came and shot Prakash multiple times.

Victim Refuses To Identify Attackers

A police victim refuses to identify attackers case was registered after the incident. But then, the victim, Prakash turned hostile. Prakash refused to share any information with the police about the woman or the assailants.

Locals said that the minority Hindus of the area find themselves under such circumstances quite often. They also said that fearing further backlash from the relatives and friends of the accused, Prakash chose not to co-operate with the police.

Pakistan’s credentials in protecting its minorities are dismal. Attacks on Hindus have increased in recent times. Only recently, a Hindu boy and a doctor were killed in Karachi, and police failed to take any action against the accused.

Source : India Today

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