Kochi (Kerala): Hindus celebrate Ramayana Maasam (month of Ramayana) on large scale in Kerala. Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) had organized reading of Ramayana every day, for all 30 days, during this month in various districts. During such ‘Ramayana-parayana’ program held at Elamakkara, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) gave guidance on 3 days, on different topics such as ‘Dharmacharan’, importance of chanting, ‘Devalaya-darshan’ etc. On 14th August, concluding program was held by VHP in which Kum. Aditi Sukhthankar of HJS was felicitated at the hands of Kum. Janaki Krushnan, an actress.
HJS activist felicitated in ‘Ramayana Maasam’ program at Kochi, Kerala
Tags : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti