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Inspirational life of a rare person who stood for Dharma against all odds

Phalgun Shuddha Saptami, Kaliyug Varsha 5111

The HJS Chennai team went to meet Mr. Anantha Narayanan, a local devout Hindu to seek advtertisement for bringing out the flex book about ‘Dharmashikshan‘ (Teachings of Hindu Dharma) in Tamil. As soon as he saw the book cover, he was thrilled and shared some incidents about his father.  (especially the picture of breaking coconut during inauguration)

His father, Late Mr. P.A. Ramakrishnan, who was the Representative of Calcutta Port Commissioners, refused to comply with the English tradition of opening a champagne bottle offered by the shipyard for the ceremony at U.K. for laying the keel plate at William simon ship yard at Glasco.  Instead he broke a coconut in the year 1954 as per Indian tradition for the ceremony to the astonishment of all English men.

Mr. Ramakrishnan donated a Motor Launch for construction work of Vivekananda Rock Memorial at Calcutta in the year 1969. When he was awarded the ‘National Award for Technology Development’ and National Award for Import Substitution’  in the year 1992 by the Central Government,  and when all the dignitaries were present in coat and full suit, he was the only person present there in traditional dhoti to receive the award.

Mr. Anantha Narayanan was very much impressed by our flex book which is insisting on such values. He promised to extend all his support to bring out the same book in Tamil.

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