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Peace Raises of Malegaon: Media & Politics

You can’t block air, water and fire!
You can’t hide peace wave
Your hands can’t block the peace raises
Sow peace seeds! Serve the nation!

Parallel Investigation of media to hide the truth

N. Ram (Narsimhan Ram), publisher of ‘The Hindu’, a daily English Newspaper, published an article titled "Malegaon: The road to perdition" on 9 Sept. 06. This article has been written by Praveen Swami, Delhi & Anupama Katakam. This article exposes their attempt of jumping at conclusions, without even a single clue and to blame those whom they consider as their enemy, without sufficient proof! This proves that their intention is not pure. The Anti Terrorism Squad are investigating into the matter. Sniffer dogs are on their go. Despite this, within a few hours, after the tragedy of Malegaon, the English media has assumed the role of an astrologer! This astrology may fuel the peace process.The Gujarat High Court had said in its judgment, "It appears that attempts are being made by journalist/human right activist and advocates Teesta Setalvad and Mihir Desai to have a parallel investigation in this matter. We do not know how far it is appropriate but we can state that it is not permissible under law.”

Yes, Naxals are ‘Hindu Militants’! lists’The Hindu’ as a left-leaning independent newspaper. Naxalite Maoists are a left leaning armed organization. They murder more innocent people, especially the tribal, than the Jihadi terrorists. They are Hindu Militants. Why don’t N.Ram, Praveen Swamy and Anupama Katakam call them as ‘naxal terrorists’ and ‘Hindu Militants’ in their newspaper? Why then, does their senior comrade Somnath Chatterji say that, ‘Naxals are not criminals’? The Andhra Pradesh police, on this Black Friday, in one of their biggest arms haul in the past two years, have recovered 600 rocket missiles from the Naxal-infested forests in Mahabubnagar district. Whom did these arms intend to kill?

Black Friday

"Black Friday" a film by Anurag Kashyap and a production of Mid-day Multimedia Ltd. is based on S. Hussain Zaidi’s book, which is a real story of the 1993 Bombay blasts. Islamic Pakistani army wrote black history on black Friday to kill Islamic Baloach leader Akbar Khan Bugti. After black Friday, the next morning politics tries to cover peace raises of the sun. Politics is on flood, then on ‘Vande Mataram’ and now on Malegaon. Pseudo-secular print and electronic media should not provoke the sentiments of the society. ‘The Hindu’ English daily and NDTV should lead to spread flowers of peace instead of publishing and broadcasting uncalled hating messages. They have done enough biased reporting of events at the time of the Gujarat riots. Still they are barking on that issue! Now they should not display the same anti-national journalistic attitude for the Maharashtra riots. Don’t burn hands in the hate fire!
In May 2005 Ram Vilas Paswan, cabinet minister in UPA said on electronic channel that ‘ Hindustan’ word is communal. ‘The Hindu’ or ‘The Hindustan Times’ did not write a single word against this! Both papers are being called anti-Hindu newspapers. So many civilizations and so many invaders tried to destroy ‘Hinduism’ but they could not succeed.

Irrational and unwarranted significance to Westerners (foreigners)

Followers of Lord Macaulay cannot solve our problems of unemployment, terrorism, etc. They can only produce M.F. Hussain’s and Arjun Singh’s! Don’t try to conceal India’s bright past and future by ‘Praising British rule’. The founders of ‘The Hindu’ newspaper were anglophiles. In an editorial published in 1894, ‘The Hindu’ held that British rule had been beneficial to Indian people. Likewise, Manmohan Singh praised the British rule in India at the time of accepting the honorary Doctorate degree from Oxford University in London on July 8, 2005! How could Manmohan forget the million innocent Indians who were brutally killed by the cruel hands of the British at the Jalianwala Bagh massacre? He is rightly the left hand of a foreigner, ‘Sonia Gandhi’. "Ham kya the Kya ho gaye aur kya honge abhi!"


Joint Managing Director of ‘The Hindu’, N. Murali, said in July 2003, "It is true that our readers have been complaining that some of our reports are partial and lack objectivity." On September 3 and 23, 2003, the readers letters column carried responses from readers saying the editorial was biased. ‘The Hindu’ gives unjustifiable unequal coverage to news events, as in the case of reporting the facts of the Ayodhya dispute. In 2003, Jagannathan mentions a "general feeling" that some of its reports are "anti-Hindu"!

Kashmiri Pt. Nehru said, "I was accidentally born as a Hindu, did my education in British and have been brought up in Muslim culture!" His statement has materialised as reality in the form of refugee Kashmiri Pandits on the streets of Delhi. Manmohan Singh says that he is accidentally in politics, else he would have been an academic! Rahul baba also will become PM accidentally. Why do all such serious accidents occur in India alone? "Ghar me aag lag gai ghar ke chirag se!"

Conspiracy to split the society

‘Vande Mataram’, our National Song, has been the driving force for freedom fighters. But upcoming UP and Punjab elections make our national song controversial! Sonia Gandhi intentionally boycotts the historical ‘Vande Mataram Day. Likewise, election for the MMC is scheduled in the coming four months. This has led ‘The Hindu’ to publish an article to divide Hindus and Muslims in Malegaon. "Kisi ka ghar jale aur koi aag tape!"
There are some entities that wear masks of Hindu names to deceive people. Their religion is to spread hate against Hindus and Hinduism. Malegaon is the town where Muslims are in majority and ‘outsiders’ from Kashmir and Bangladesh are moving and residing in suspicious conditions. Thus, riots between both communities occur very easily. In a span of less than 15 days, there have been four incidents of ‘hair shaving’. This is certainly a conspiracy against Hindus, to widen the rift between Hindus and Sikhs.

Efforts of all communities to help victims

Members of the Muslim community held an anti-Pakistan demonstration in the Kalupu locality of Ahmedabad to protest Friday’s blasts in Malegaon, Maharashtra. Non-Muslims donated blood too. Terrorists murdered half a century of persons and wounded double that count in Malegaon. About 150 members of the minority community came out on the streets and shouted anti-Pakistan slogans!

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