Pune – Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) staged a road-show titled ‘Ooth Bhagini, Jaagi Ho’ during the Ganesh festival in Pune city and Pimpri-Chinchwad area through different ‘Ganesh-Mandals’. The show is based on oppression of women and emphasizing the solution to be getting trained in self-defence.
After watching the road-show, Presidents, office-bearers of many ‘Ganeshotsav Mandals’ and other viewers said, , this road-show is the need of the hour. More than 3000 people have watched this show staged during last few days in Pune city and Pimpri-Chinchwad area and many of them have demanded to start self-defence classes in their areas.
In many Ganeshotsav Mandals, road-shows were staged on different topics such as Kashmir problem, self-defence and immersion of Ganesh idols etc. The shows were watched at a time by minimum 40 to maximum 1000 viewers.
Road-shows of ‘Ooth Bhagaini, Jaagi Ho’ staged at other two ‘Ganesh- Mandals’ besides, ‘Late Bhagavan Gavhane Mitra Mandal’ from Bhosari received very good response and after watching the show, many people registered their names for self-defence training class. More than 850 people watched the shows.
Many ‘Ganesh-Mandals’ stopped show of their scenes depicted with consecration of the Ganesh idols and allowed HJS to stage the road-show.
Highlights – ‘Late Bhagavan Gavhane Mitra Mandal’ felicitated HJS.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat