Pune : In connection with the ensuing Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha to be held on 23 October, when Shri. Krushnaji Patil and Shri. Vinayak Bagvade of HJS went to meet Shri. Sunil Pawar, President, Shivsamarth Konkan Trust. At that time, they were felicitated by offering Srifal. On this occasion, Shri Pawar invited all the devout Hindu workers in the Contact Office of Shivsena which was attended by Shri Sachin Dangat, Shivsena Corporator.
While appreciating members of the HJS, Shri Pawar said they are rendering selfless service for protecting religion as well as for preserving religious traditions and we should firmly stand behind them. On this occasion spontaneous loud acclamation of ‘Jayatu Jayatu Hindurashtram’ three times was made by Shri Pawar.