Chennai : Islamic terrorism is present in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, they are reportedly targeting Hindus along with RSS and BJP cadre. Before the 3 day RSS ABKM in Hyderabad, Joint Secretary of RSS, G Bhagaiah addressed the crowd.
He said “The governments in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and West Bengal are indulging in the appeasement of the minority communities, the Hindus in these states are being targeted but the government remains a mute spectator.” He further added the government is torturing Hindus to appease minorities and are creating imbalance in society.
Politics of murder
G Bhagaiya said that the first political resolution in the 3-day RSS baithak will be the political murders committed in Kolkata. He said “Despite democracy, politics of murder is taking place. He further said ” The barbaric murders of RSS workers in Kerala is abominable, political intolerance is at its height there”.
Hitting out at government of West Bengal, he asserted that that not only a lot of atrocities are being committed against Hindus and Dalits but even news related to it are being brutally suppressed. When talking in detail about the Durga Puja episode, Bhagaiya said that due to the government trying to appease the minority community there was a ban on Durga Puja.
Hindus appealed before the SC and government was told to relax the curfew by 8:30. It also told the government should not appease minorities by infringing the rights of Hindus.
Source : India Today