Mumbai : The central government on Wednesday informed the Bombay High Court that till date it has not found any satisfactory material to declare right wing organisation Sanatan Sanstha as a “terror outfit” under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) and ban it.
A division bench of Justices N H Patil and P D Naik was hearing a petition filed by one Vijay Rokade seeking a ban on the organisation, members of which are alleged to have carried out terror activities in Panvel and Thane.
The petitioner informed the court that the Maharashtra government, based on a report and material submitted by the Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS), had forwarded a proposal to the Union government in 2012 recommending ban on the group.
The Union government, however, has till date not taken any decision on the proposal.
The Union government’s lawyer told the high court that it had verified the state government’s proposal but were not satisfied with the material submitted by it, and had hence, asked the state government to submit further material in support of its proposal.
“Show us the communication between the Union and state governments. All this cannot be orally stated. Submit before us all the letters sent and received by the Union and state governments within four weeks,” the bench directed.
The court also sought to know under which law or provision can the Union government ban an organisation or trust that is governed by a state government Act.
The petitioner’s advocate said under the provisions of the UAPA, the Union government can recommend ban on any organisation or group.
In April 2012, the state government had filed an affidavit in the case claiming that the Additional Chief Secretary (Home) had addressed a letter to the Director of Union Home Ministry informing it that three cases regarding bomb blasts has been registered against Sanatan Sanstha.
“The government of Maharashtra has reached to the conclusion that Sanatan Sanstha organisation is liable to be banned under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act,” the affidavit had said.
Source : Indian Express