Akola : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) held two-day regional Hindu Convention at Khandelwal Bhavan recently. The Convention was started by paying obeisance to Shri Rajrajeshwar, the ‘Gram-devata’ of Akola and with Saints’ blessings. Shri. Naresh Kopekar of HJS blew conch; followed with lighting of lamp by Sanatan’s ‘Pujya’ Nandkumar Jadhav, H.B.P. Nilesh Maharaj Mate and Shri. Shrikant Pisolkar, the Vidarbh District Coordinator of HJS. Shri. Yadnyesh Joshi, a ‘Veda-shastra’ scholar recited ‘Veda-mantras’. Dr. Vinayak Chirade of HJS from Pusad read out the message of ‘Paratpar Guru’ Dr. Jayant Athavale. Shri. Shrikant Pisolkar explained the purpose of holding the Convention. H.B.P. Nilesh Maharaj Mate gave guidance on the importance of working with dedication for establishment of Hindu Rashtra. ‘Pujya’ Nandkumar Jadhav of Sanatan gave guidance on need for undertaking spiritual practice for establishment of Hindu Rashtra. Group discussions were held later. Shri. Gajanan Adhav and Sou. Pratibha Jadi explained about making use of social websites and Dharmashikshan classes for this mission.
On the second day of the Convention, H.B.P. Prakash Maharaj Suphalkar from Murabbi Karanja spoke on the topic of ‘Dharma-hani’ and solutions’. Shri. Abhishek Dixit of Shri Shivapratishthan Hindustan spoke about difficulties faced by devout Hindus while carrying on ‘Dharma-karya’. Shri. Atul Arvenla explained the harm caused to our culture owing to emulation of western culture. Problems faced while undertaking drives related to protection of Dharma was explained by Shri. Santosh Parswar, Dr. Vinayak Chirade, Shri. Shyam Sangunvadhe and Sou. Madhuri More.
During the session held for legal practitioners, advocates viz. Sachin Balapure, Madhusudan Sharmaji, Umeshji Tiwari and Pappu Morewal gave guidance on legal problems. Demonstrations were presented on instances of love jihad- change of opinion of aggrieved young woman; self-defence etc and VCD on demand on ban on Sanatan was also shown on the occasion.
H.B.P. Gonjate Maharaj and H.B.P. Prakash Maharaj Suphalkar, ‘Pujya’ Nandkumar Jadhav and Shri. Shrikant Pisolkar also gave guidance. Shri. Pisolkar thanked all devout participants.
H.B.P. Gondchar Maharaj said, “Persons voted through election go to Parliament but persons selected by God come to Hindu Janajagruti Samiti.”