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Valour needs to be generated in today’s youth : Prashant Juvekar

Self-defence camp at Jalgaon

hjs-logo31Jalgaon : Presently, our youth are lacking bravery; therefore, they do not dare to oppose to anything. Youth should be imparted training on self-defence and they should awaken valour and bravery in them. They should also be prepared to stop attacks on nation and Dharma, was the appeal made by Shri. Prashant Juvekar of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti while guiding participants of ‘Self-defence Training’ camp.

Shri. Shreyas Pisolkar said while explaining the purpose of holding such camp that incidents of oppression of women, rape etc were on the rise; therefore, today’s young women very badly need knowledge of self-defence. Demonstrations on karate, use of sticks, knife etc were presented with participation of attendees. Games were played which increased alertness and awareness towards how to be ready to face and handle adverse things.

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