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Politics of secularism is played only in India : Tufail Ahmad

Release of book titled ‘Rashtranishtha’ by senior journalist late Arun Ramteerthakar at Solapur

Dignitaries while releasing memoirs of a senior journalist late Arun Ramteerthakar titled ‘Rashtranishtha’

Solapur : It appears that inviting Pakistani artists and shielding those who accuse army men of raping women is included under the definition of secularism in this country. Those talking about rights of Hindu women, are tight-lipped on rights of Muslim women. Politics of fake secularism based on religions is found only in India, criticized Tufail Ahmad, an internationally acclaimed scholar.

A program was organized on 6th November for release of book titled ‘Rashtranishtha’ compiling memoirs of late Arun Ramteerthkar, a senior journalist. The book was released in Solapur by Tufail Ahmad and Bhau Torsekar. Shri. Bhau Torsekar, a senior journalist chaired the program. The other dignitaries present on the dais were Shri. Arun Karmarkar, former Editor of ‘Tarun Bharat’ and advocate Aparnatai Ramteerthkar. After release of the book, there was a speech by Tufail Ahmad on ‘Secularism and today’s journalism’.

Tufail Ahmad said, “The so-called secular people like Nitishkumar, Mamta Banerjee, Akhilesh Yadav etc will invite Pakistani artists to India; but will not invite Taslima Nasreen or Wahida Rehman. Where is the need to invite Pakistani artists to India ? ‘Minority’-ism was developed in India only to create division in society; but such ‘minority’-ism is causing obstacles in the progress of Muslim community. If Muslim community comes out of this ‘minority’-ism, only then, they will progress. Just numbers cannot be used for classifying minority and majority. Population of Christians, Jains is also less in this country; but they are not looked upon as minorities.”

Bhau Torsekar said, “There is a huge difference in the purpose of Narendra Modi’s intention to become Prime Minister and that of Sharad Pawar to be a Prime Minister. It is important to find out why Modi felt like shouldering this responsibility. In 2014, none of the news channels predicted majority for NDA; but the results of the election proved to be otherwise and the country experienced anti-Modi journalism of media-persons.”

Shri. Arun Karmarkar, former Editor of ‘Dainik Tarun Bharat’ said, “Arun Ramteerthkar never wrote anything to get publicity or popularity but his writings always exhibited his patriotism. His writings based on the truth behind religions, traditions, culture, politics and socialism always proved to be inspiring for readers.”

Shri. Arun Karmarkar gave introductory speech and reporter Shri. Siddharam Patil did compeering of the program while advocate Aparnatai Ramteerthkar did ‘thanks-giving’.

All awards must be finished due to Award wapsi !

Tufail Ahmad sarcastically said, “The so-called intellectuals of this country raised the issue of intolerance and undertook a drive to return awards. The drive was undertaken so rigorously that all awards must be finished by now.” His statement drew huge round of applause from the audience.

“Persons like Kanhaiya accused Indian army men of raping women in Jammu-Kashmir and these very persons are now targeting the Union Government on the issue of suicide of a former soldier !” – Shri. Bhau Torsekar

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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