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English daily newspaper ‘Herald’ published false news insulting HJS

HJS demands apology and explanation which should be published !

Panaji : In the 16th November edition of English daily newspaper ‘Herald’, false news about ‘Rashtriya Hindu Andolan (RHA)’ has been published on page 2. There is also derogatory matter published in this news item regarding Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS). Dr. Manoj Solanki, the State Coordinator of HJS for Goa has therefore, written to the Editor of ‘Herald’, seeking explanation and demanding apology letter from this newspaper.

On 15th November 2016, various pro-Hindu organizations including HJS had spontaneously staged demonstrations under the aegis of ‘RHA’ at Margaon. The demands made during the demonstrations were – Goa to be freed from casinos; imposing ban on ‘Dakshinayan’ conference organized by so-called progressive factions at Margao; imposition of ban on all branches of ‘Peace School’ along with ‘Islamic Research Foundation’ of Dr. Zakir Naik. All required permissions were obtained from the local administration for staging demonstrations but in the newspaper, it was mentioned that the demonstrations were staged without proper permissions. It was also stated in the news item that HJS was not a registered organization. Demonstrations were staged in one corner of the footpath by keeping enough space for pedestrians; still, it was mentioned in the news that HJS staged demonstrations blocking roads and footpath. (Publishing of news distorting facts is the extremity of yellow journalism. Such newspapers are blot on journalism. – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat) Dr. Manoj Solanki has therefore, written to the Editor of ‘Herald’ raising objection and condemning such news reporting. Dr. Solanki has stated in his letter that……

1. HJS has been defamed by publishing wrong news. HJS is a registered organization. The name mentioned in the newspaper was also wrong referring to HJS as ‘Hindu Jagruti Samiti’. Name of HJS has been published wrongly despite giving them a copy of press release which shows lack of trustworthiness of this newspaper.

2. It was accused in the newspaper that the demonstrations staged were based on communal bias. It also shows that the press release sent by HJS was not even read properly.

3. Is it wrong to demand ban on anti-national acts of Dr. Zakir Naik undertaken through his ‘Islamic Research Foundation (IRF)’ and Peace School ? The Union Government has now taken right action by imposing ban on IRF, for 5 years.

4. You have said that there was not a single issue taken up in the demonstrations that was related to Goa. Casino is eradicating our culture and morality. Isn’t demand to impose ban on casinos in Goa, related to Goa ? Was it not the duty of your reporter to publish news about demand to ban casinos ? Of course, one of the employees of ‘Herald’ was accused of taking ransom from casino-owners; therefore, it is not expected of ‘Herald’ to publish news against casinos.

5. There was also demand to impose ban on ‘Dakshinayan’ Conference proposed to be held at Margao. Is this issue not related to Goa ?

6. What kind of journalism is this ? It shows that false news has been purposely published to defame HJS.


Devout Hindus are contacting on the following number to register protest :

Herald, Kampal, Panaji, Goa Tel No. – (0832) 6518500, 6518530, 2224202

Register protest against anti-national and anti-Hindu incidents in restrained manner !

The main purpose of protesting against anti-Hindus is to bring change in their way of thinking; therefore, care should be taken to see that protest is registered at ideological level based on principle. The expansive view behind such protest should be to bring mistakes to the notice of such person who is going on wrong path and bring him on right path !

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