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Govt. should take action against those who deny singing Vande Mataram ! – Mr. Parulkar

Adhik Vaishakh Krushna Panchami, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

Dombivali (Maharashtra): The great national song ‘Vande Mataram’ was composed on the day of Kartik Shuddha Navami I.e. ‘Akshay Navami’; therefore, it will never wane. When the British Government could not stop singing of ‘Vande Mataram’; simlarly, no other Government in the world would be able to stop this song and the ‘mantra’ of ‘Vande Mataram’. The Government should, however, show the same political will power now; it had shown for the release of Hindi film ‘My name is khan’ and force everyone to say ‘Vande Mataram’. Those who are not ready to say this national song, should be treated as traitors and the Government should show guts by taking action against them. The above views were expressed by Mr. Durgesh Parulkar, Dombivali city-organiser of Hindu Mahasabha.

A public program ‘Vandya Vande Mataram’ was organized by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti in commemoration of Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay, the author of the song ‘Vande Mataram’ and revolutionary Anant Kanhere. The program was organized at the Chowk opposite Shankar Temple in Dombivali (East). Mr. Ajay Sambhus of HJS and Mr. Prasad Vadake of ‘Dharmashakti Sena’ shared the dais. The program began with Sree Ganesha Shloka, garlanding the photos of Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay, great revolutionaries Chaphekar brothers and Anant Kanhere and concluded with singing of ‘Vande Mataram’. Mr. Vadake of ‘Dharmashakti Sena’ said on the occasion that the revolutionaries sacrificed everything to free this country from the bondage of the British. Everyone has, however, conveniently forgotten these revolutionaries. Only singing their praises will not help as there is apathy towards them. The young generation should, in fact, take inspiration from them and become active.”

Mr. Sambhus said, “Most of us have forgotten the revolutionaries who exhibited great courage and sacrificed their life to make this country independent. HJS has been awakening the people towards the sacrifice of the revolutionaries through such programs.” 

Present dignitaries

Mr. Rajesh More, the municipal councilor of Shiv Sena from Raghuvir nagar, Mr. Tatya Mane from Patherli and Mr. Tatya Mane, Mr. Dinesh Achalkar of Shiv Sena


1. A devout citizen was inspired to write a poem during the program.
2. Handbills explaining the meaning of ‘Vande Mataram’ were distributed; a signature drive to protest against the proposed ‘Maharashtra Narabali (human sacrifice), Yaun shoshan (sexual exploitation), Amanavi and Aghori Krutya (inhuman and dreadful action) Act, 2005’ was also undertaken by HJS.


Mr. Parag Vaidya, a devout Hindu, Dombivali : Best wishes to HJS who is selflessly fighting for the protection of Hindu Dharma like Hindu Mahasabha. Hindu Dharma will be uplifted only due to the activities of HJS.

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