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New York : Different faiths come together to discuss about their scriptures

It is undeniable that we have to achieve world peace. The world has never been as chaotic and dangerous as it is today. Terrorism and other conflicts permeates every corner of this world, regardless of wealth, power, liberty, or ethnicity. Many of these issues are rooted by religious differences and intolerance. For this very reason, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), an international peace organization working for world peace and the cessation of wars, established The World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Office.

Mr. Lee, Peace Advocate and Chairman of HWPL has said, “The world is at the crossroads between destruction and coexistence, and its destiny is in our own hands. We must remain active to protect what is right and just for humanity.”

The WARP Office aims to resolve religious misunderstandings by creating a platform for faith leaders to initiate dialogue, establish commonalities, and embrace differences between all faiths.  In the gathering this month, on November 29, 2016, 10 faith leaders from the Hindu, Jain, Sikh, and Christian, Spiritual faiths represented the Ananda Marga, St. Paul’s AME Church, Igreja do Foz do Iguacu, and Jain Center of America, along with participants from various faiths as well.

With heartwarming singing, the WARP Office exemplified a culture of peace. United at Hotel Pennsylvania, all the leaders had a common theme of the importance of understanding God and the scriptures. An Ananda Marga representative commented, “Worldly possession can only lead to the conclusion that none of the things of finite can satiate the everlasting urge for happiness.” The Christian representative continued, “God has given us the roadmap, whatever holy scripture it is. So we can find our way and have direction on where we are and where we are trying to get to.” Despite the wide range of scriptures and religions represented, all leaders agreed on the importance of learning from one another.

World peace requires us to overcome misunderstandings, find common ground, and be at peace with one another. This harmony was demonstrated in this month’s meeting as all leaders agreed that scriptures are used as a blueprint and a map to God.

Mr. Lee has exemplified that world peace can be achieved through conversation between religions rather than the threats with weapons or warfare. His clear message has spread with the opening of the WARP Offices around the world. Religious leaders who agree with the goal of HWPL have gathered together to establish 188 offices throughout 97 countries in just two years and the number of Offices has been growing exponentially. The WARP Offices is a strong platform for peaceful religious dialogues and a practical path to world peace.

The monthly WARP Offices in New York has grown tremendously and continues to receive support from religious leaders of every faith. Those who are interested in the monthly Peace Office gatherings may contact [email protected].

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