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Hindus need to realize the importance of Hindu Rashtra : Pujya Nandkumar Jadhav

Gramsabha in the presence of more than 400 devout Hindus at Nandra (Jalgaon)

From left : Kum. Rageshri Deshpande, Pujya Nandkumar Jadhav

Jalgaon : The Government does not take decisions in Hindus’ interests although there is absolute majority. 30 % candidates in Parliament have criminal background. Can we expect them to do anything good for people ? It in fact, proves the worthlessness of democracy. The only solution on this is establishment of righteous Hindu Rashtra, stated ‘Pujya’ Nandkumar Jadhav, Saint of Sanatan Sanstha while addressing ‘Gramsabha’ to give information to people regarding the proposed Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha on 25th December at Jalgaon. The ‘sabha’ was attended by more than 400 devout Hindus.

The ‘Gramsabha’ was started with blowing of conch; followed with lighting of lamp by ‘Pujya’ Nandkumar Jadhav. Kum. Rageshri Deshpande of Ranaragini Division of HJS was also present on the occasion. The ‘sabha’ was compeered by Kum. Tejaswini Tambat.

Kum. Rageshri Deshpande said, “Women should follow Hindu culture instead of emulating western culture. They should apply ‘kumkum’ on forehead and wear bangles every day. It helps in evoking God’s blessings. Women should be alert towards incidents of love jihad and get trained in self-defence.”


1. Pujya Nandkumar Jadhav gave coconut to dignitaries like Sarpanch, Police Patil etc of this village and invited them for the ‘Sabha’.

2. Speakers were welcomed by local youth with ‘Dhol-taasha’.

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