Canada knows not what it does

Nija Vaishakh Krushna Pratipada, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

By Dr. Babu Suseelan
The Canadian High Commission in New Delhi refused to grant visa to several retired Indian Military Officials, citing their association with anti-terrorism forces in India. Canadian High Commission say that these officials were associated with Indian Intelligence Agencies. Indian Foreign Secretary has said that the Canadian High Commissioner’ s refusal for granting Visa was unacceptable and discriminatory and the matter will be taken up with higher Government authorities.
The Canadian insult and deliberate humiliation of India shows India’s inability to deal with foreign governments on its own terms. On several occasions, Canada has invited terrorist leaders like Arafat and several Pakistan Military/Islamic leaders with blood on their hands. The history of Canada’s native Indians is a shameful chronicle of Canadian government’s disinterest, their deliberate trampling of native Indian rights and their repeated betrayal of government promise to native Indians.
Generations of native Indians and Eskimos have grown up facing plain Canadian bigotry. The Canadian government used to have a saying: "The only good Indian is a dead Indian." The Canadian High Commissioner in New Delhi, instead of acknowledging its legal and moral responsibilities to the Native Indians, Eskimos, and colored immigrants, now refuse to grand visa to Indian officials based on questionable reasons. How could such an educated diplomat forget brutal, and tyrannical history of Canadians. There are documental evidence to prove Canadian government’s indifference towards native Indians and newly arrived immigrants from Asia.  Government of India doest not question the canadian government about such problems. It is strange that Canadian High Commissioner ignores the plight of the native Indian or Metis or Eskimo in his own country. One fact is apparent–the High Commissioner does not give a damn.
The facts are available for for everyone to read. Over half the native Indians in Canada are jobless year after year. Thousands of native Indians live in housing which would be condemned in any advanced society on the globe.
The Canadian decision to refuse visa for our military officials for whatever reason may be due to the seemingly endless state of ignorance, apathy and indifference displayed by most Indian government officials and politicians. Most Indian politicians and the media tend to plead ignorance on the inexcusable treatment of Hindus abroad. However, even more reprehensible is that government of India failed to act when Muslims in Pakistan and Bangladesh killed millions of Hindus. No wonder other countries treat India’s gutless politicians unjustly.

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