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Bangalore: HJS to protest against Govt’s delay in approval of Savarkar’s memorial in France

Nija Vaishakh Krushna Panchami, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

HJS to protest against Central Government for delaying approval of Veer savarkar memorial in France

Venue: in front of the Mahatma Gandhi Statue, Mahatma Gandhi Road
Date : 3rd of June 2010
Time : From 11.30 A.M. to 1.00 P.M.

A great number of Revolutionary leaders have given up their lives or undergone great amount of hard ship for the cause of freedom of our country. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar’s (Veer Savarkar) name is one of the prominent among them. His 127th Birthday was on the 28th of May 2010. He has many accomplishments to his credit. The most memorable among them is his heroic jump into the sea off a ship called ‘Moria’, to escape from the British colonial Authorities, to go to Marseilles. This jump became well-known in the whole world. This feat will complete a Century on 8th July 2010.

The French Government has paid a tribute to this brave act by granting permission for the construction of Veer Savarkar’s memorial in France.But the Indian Government has been delaying the matter for the past 11 years. A doubt, therefore, arises in the mind that we might be deprived of a historic memorial owing to the appalling apathy of the Indian Government. It is the duty of all citizens of this country to see this memorial through to completion.

Also as part of the completion of one Century of the Historic jump from the ship the Indian Government has to hold an appropriate commemorative series of programmes all over the country.

NCERT and other State Syllabus Text Books presently carry very little or no information about such a great Revolutionary leader. It may be recollected here that Veer Savarkar was the only Freedom fighter who was given double lifetime imprisonment and 11years of solitary confinement in the dark. Forgetting these aspects by the educationists is total ungratefulness to him.

To force the Central Government to act immediately on these urgent and important issues we are holding a protest in front of the Mahatma Gandhi Statue, Mahatma Gandhi Road on the 3rd of June 2010 from 11.30 A.M to 1 P.M.

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