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Few un-answered questions related to Sunburn festival

The controversial and notorious Sunburn Festival was finally held at Kesanand (Pune) though fine of Rs. 1 Crore 4 lakhs was levied. People, who are patrons of Indian culture, ‘Hindutvavadis’ and local residents had strongly opposed to holding of this festival. Owing to the unity exhibited in opposing to this festival, people got to know different illegal activities undertaken at Sunburn festival’s venue which were not known earlier although the festival is being held for the past 9 years. Free use of drugs, consumption of huge quantity of liquor is the history of Sunburn that became known to people this year. Such ‘Sunburn’ was welcomed with red carpet by Maharashtra Government resulting in strengthening activities of the organizers of this festival and they started doing illegal things such as flattening surface of hill, cutting of trees; using strong lights in airport area which was quite serious matter; paying no heed to anyone. With the help of Government’s support, although most of the permissions were not obtained, billions of rupees were invested in organizing this festival. The festival got over despite all the opposition, but citizens had some questions related to this festival which have remained un-answered. Probably, keeping mum is silent approval, could be the answer to these questions.

1. Why did the Govt. overlook Sunburn despite its violating rules and regulations ?

The organizers of Sunburn Festival had carried out illegal things such as flattening of hill, cutting of trees etc without any prior permission. The Forest Department confiscated two ‘Poclain’ machines from the venue. Few photographs of tree cutting were published in newspapers. The Government, however, overlooked the same though cutting of trees is an offence.

2. Isn’t it the duty of Govt. machinery to keep an eye on malpractices ?  

Sale of drugs during Sunburn festival, raid conducted by anti-drug squad in Goa, death of a young woman due to overdose of drugs etc were the issues raised by ‘Hindutvavadi’ organizations in connection with this festival but BJP leaders were saying that the Government wouldn’t spare anyone if any illegal activity or consumption of drugs etc was observed at the venue. The Government had not set up any system to find whether any malpractices took place at or around the venue. Had there been such system, the Government would have observed sale of cigarettes by minor children and restrictions would have been imposed. On one hand, to say that illegal things would not be allowed and on the other hand, no machinery being set up to keep watch on illegal things despite knowing past history of Sunburn ! What conclusions should a common man deduce in such case?

3. Why sound level of DJ not measured ?       

Music played with the help of DJs could be heard even at Kesanand village. Many local residents lodged complaint with police regarding the noise pollution and demanded, in writing, to measure decibels but all complaints were thrown away without taking any action; so, despite citizens pointing out violation of Court’s orders on sound decibels, it was not stopped by police and should be treated as contempt of Court.

4. Why was permission granted for programs after 10.00 p.m. ?

The organizers had promised to close down at 9. 55 p.m. but it was just a lie since all programs were going on without any interruption even after 10.00 p.m. Local alert citizens made police aware of these things but police didn’t pay heed. Police otherwise taking prompt action after stroke of 10.00 p.m. against ‘Mandals’ celebrating Ganeshotsav or ‘Dahi-handi’ etc were keeping mum during Sunburn.

5. Why was smoking and consumption of liquor at public place not stopped ?     

There is ban under law on smoking at public places so also on consumption of liquor. The young men and women attending Sunburn festival, however, disregarded law and were openly coming to the village and smoking and consuming liquor. All these things were happening right in front of police but police did nothing against the wealthy stratum of society. Those, who are supposed to maintain law, kept quiet when there was breach of law. What does it indicate ?

6. Why crusade against ‘Drunk and Drive’ was not undertaken at Kesanand ?

Considering the flow of liquor at the venue of this festival, ‘Hindutvavadis’ and social organizations had demanded that police should undertake their crusade against ‘Drunk and Drive’ at the venue of Sunburn; but that demand was also ignored. Police would have certainly found drunk drivers at the venue. The crusade was probably not undertaken so that image of Sunburn was not maligned.

7. Why delay in issuing orders against illegal excavation ?

Regional officer Jyoti Kadam charged Sunburn festival with fine of Rs. 62 lakhs for undertaking illegal excavation at the venue. Though such legal action is commendable, why there was so much delay in taking action, is the question.

8. Where were activists of ANiS, environmentalists fighting against addictions and those fighting for women’s emancipation during this festival ?

There is no dearth of people in Pune raising objections against religious rituals of Hindus in the name of protection of environment or those, criticizing Indian culture and singing praises of women’s emancipation; but all of them seemed to have gone in hiding during Sunburn festival.

ANiS activists undertake anti-drugs drive on the occasion of 31st December; but Sunburn festival which is known for drawing youth towards drug-consumption were seen nowhere opposing Sunburn festival. Not a word was said by any of them to oppose Sunburn.

9. Does it mean that wealthy stratum of society is above law ?

It was observed on the occasion of Sunburn festival that the wealthy stratum of society is above all rules and laws. ‘Dhrutarashtra- Gandhari’ attitude of police and Government administration was once again underlined through this festival. It was seen how in the name of promoting tourism, people claiming to be patrons of culture, compromised with culture. The opposition to Sunburn was noticeable although the festival did take place. Many social, ‘Hindutvavadi’ organizations and Ganesh- mandals opposed to the festival, in lawful manner which helped in unification of patrons of Indian culture and helped in strengthening ‘Hindutva’. Let this voice of Hindutva become more powerful in future and let Hindu Rashtra, which will not allow programs like Sunburn, be established; is a prayer at the feet of Shrikrushna !

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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