Kolhapur : Film titled ‘Mohalla Assi’ desecrating pilgrimage place Kashi and film ‘Raees’ with Pakistani artists will be released on 25th January 2017. Both the films should not be screened was the demand made by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) through a representation submitted on 13th January to Shri. Vijay Powar, Manager of theatre ‘Ayodhya’ and Shri. Amar Karande, Manager of ‘Parvati Multiplex’. Both the Managers promised to inform the theatre-owners who would take a decision about screening of the above films.
‘Hindutvavadis’ viz. Shri. Shivajirao Sase of ‘Hindu Ekata Andolan’, Govind Deshpande, Devaraj Sahani, Madhukar Nazare, Shivanand Swami, Babasaheb Bhopale of HJS, Sou. Sadhana Godase, Sou. Saraswati Mirashi, Sou. Vijaya Vesanekar of Ranaragini Division; Sou. Nandini Kulkarni, Sou. Sudha Bilavar of Sanatan Sanstha etc were present on the occasion.