Panun Kashmir commemorates Kashmiri Hindu Holocaust Day

  • Panun Kashmir observes the Holocaust Day  as ‘Ek Bharat Abhiyan – Kashmir Ki Aur’
  • Panun Kashmir declares Homeland as a national Imperative to Safeguard the Indian nation.
  • Various nationalist organizations endorse the Homeland demand

Panun Kashmir observed January 19, 2017, Kashmiri Hindu Holocaust Day commemorating the exodus of the Kashmiri Pandit community from Kashmir. This year’s theme has been “Ek Bharat Abhiyan – Kashmir Ki Aur”. On this occasion an all India assembly of hundreds of delegates and activists representing Nationalist oreganizations from length and breadth of the country was organized in the Abhinav Theatre. Leading thinkers and leaders of various nationalist organizations were the main attraction.

From left : Dr. Agnishekhar, Dr. Pandita, Shri. Khajuria, Dr. Hari Om, Pujya Dr. Charudatta Pingale, Shri. Tapan Ghosh, Shri. Pavan Gupta

All the organizations unanimously endorsed the Separate Homeland Demand as envisaged in the Margadarshan  Resolution in 1991.

In the first session of the deliberations stress was laid on the factors that are responsible for the religious cleansing of the Kashmiri Pandits and how the successive Indian States trivialized the genocide of the Kashmiri Pandit community.

Speaking on the occasion Shri. Pawan Gupta, MLA said that subversion in the political class whether from the ruling or opposition have played to the gallery of those who have eaten the vitals of the Indian nation in Jammu and Kashmir.

Dr. Charudatta Pingale (National guide of HJS), a leading social and cultural activist  from Maharashtra declared that the struggle for separate homeland as spearheaded by Panun Kashmir  is the national demand of all nationalists of India.Panun Kashmir is the  cardinal principle of establishing Indian nation in Kashmir.

Shri. M .M. Khajuria, ex DGP senitised the masses about the havoc inflicted by the religious fanatic jihadis on the minorities of the state and rendered them homeless in their own state.

Shri. Tapan Ghosh, a firebrand nationalist ideologue from West Bengal blew into smithereens the anti national character of the secular fundamentalist. He said that religious cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus is a red signal for the entire nation as in it lies the  agenda of jihad  of Islamic theo fascism to change the demography of the Indian nation and ultimately balkanize the Indian nation.So creation of separate homeland for Hindus of Kashmir is a national imperative.

Prof. Kashi Nath Pandita, eminent scholar and academician said that the Margdarshan Resolution-91 that envisages a separate homeland for the Hindus of Kashmir to reverse the religious cleansing of Kashmir is a document that lays bare the forces  which have indulged in a continuous civilization  war to erase the Hindu symbols of Kashmir. Margdarshan Resolution is comprehensive document that addresses all the dangers of balkanization.

Dr. Agnishekher, convener, Panun Kashmir delved on the significance of the  theme “Ek Bharat Abhiyan – Kashmir Ki Aur”.He said that this a progression of Panun Kashmir towards the separate homeland to uphold the Indian nation.Panun Kashmir is a struggle for Panun Bharat.He warned that Jammu is on the radar of Islamic jihad  as the subversion in terms of demographic change by settling the Rohingyas from Myanmar.But the original inhabitants of Kashmir are denied homeland in Kashmir.

Prof. Hari Om, Convener, Jammu for India and historian while chairing the session said   that state is indulging in subversion and giving leverage to the Islamic theo fascists and separatists in Kashmir and this has been vindicated by the recent   report of former foreign Minister and BJP leader,Yashwant Sinha.Indian state is defeating Indian nation in Jammu and Kashmir.Panun Kashmir is only weapon to defeat Islamic separatism in Kashmir and reverse the genocide of Kashmiri Hindus.

In the second session of the convention, a Resolution was adopted which

  1. Reiterated and impressed on the necessity of creation of Separate Homeland for Kashmiri Hindus under free flow of Indian constitution to the North and East of River Vitasta.
  2. J&K is fast turning into an ungoverned territory like Syria and Afganistan and efforts must be made to by GOI to devise mechanism to give a death knell to forces who are out to dis member India.
  3. The impending necessity to take note of demographic assault on Jammu region not only by Muslims from Kashmir but people from Myanmar, Bangladesh, Tibet.
  4. Condemnation of Agenda of Alliance as agenda of subversion of Indian Nation.
  5. Highlighted the condition of Kashmiri Hindus Displaced living under duress and inhuman condition in Jagat and called upon the GOI to intervene and save this hapless nationalistic population from continued genocide.
  6. Resolved to build Holocaust Memorials across the country and sanitize the Indian masses about genocidal Past of Kashmir and offer support for resurgence of Indian Nation.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri. Surender Ambardar (MLC) appreciated the role of Panun Kashmir in highlighting the plight and agony of Kashmiri Hindus over last 27 years and lauded the efforts of Panun Kashmir in steadfastly working in the direction of righteousness without changing the goal post. He reaffirmed his oath for the unity and integrity of Indian nation and claimed Kashmiri Hindus are the aboriginals of Kashmir and their rehabilitation in Kashmir must ensure Dignity, Respect and Non Refoulement.

Amidst other speakers from various nationalistic organizations, Shri. Pramod Muthalik, founder of Sri Ram Sena narrated upon the threat of growing Islamic Fundamentalism across the length and breadth of India and claimed there are 5000 Kashmirs in Making and the indignation which Hindus in Kashmir faced is replicating in these places. A serious resurgence needs to shape to thwart the designs of those forces inimical to Sanatan Hindu Civilization. He further endorsed the demand of Panun Kashmir and assured the nation will rise in support of this demand and Kashmiri Hindus are not alone in this civilizational war.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri. Ramesh Shinde, founder Hindu Janajagruti Samiti lambasted through the discourse of separatists who claim so called Azadi on ground that Kashmir has never been a part of India, Shri. Shinde gave various historical references which connect Kashmir to Indian nation, and further went saying Kashmir is the fountain head of Indian Civilization and the umbical chord which connects Kashmir to India is much stronger than the force generated by Azadi mongers. Supporting the demand of Panun Kashmir and claiming that its creation will be the determining factor in this war against Islamic Theo Fascism.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri. Murli Manohar Sharma, Bharat Raksha Manch, Odisha called upon the nationalist forces in this country to get ready for the determining struggle to save the Indian Nation from forces around which are out to dis member Indian nation. He further added that if the present day government ignores the just and fair demand of Panun Kashmir for the rehabilitation Kashmiri Hindus, the voice will grow and multiply and whole Indian Nation will rally behind this cause.

Among the other delegates Shri. Radha Krishen, Shiv Sena, Tamil Nadu endorsed the demand of Panun Kashmir terming it as the eventual victory of righteous forces

Shri. Sushil Pandit, a veteran and seasoned political analyst and founder of Roots in Kashmir lambasted the insincerity of the ruling dispensations over these years towards the hounded Kashmiri Hindus and claimed that it is mere lip service and nothing tangible has been done on ground to impact any change in the state of hapless affairs surrounding this exiled community. Shri. Sushil Pandit further added that Panun Kashmir has emerged as the only choice of this exiled community which encompasses the life of dignity, honor and non refoulement.

Speaking at the end, Dr Ajay Chrungoo, Chairman, Panun Kashmir explained the need and importance of this event in wake of the continued neglect and denial of the successive governments both at state as well as national level. He said that it is time that Panun Kashmir as a solution to Kashmir problem be recognized as a national imperative and in this direction Panun Kashmir has embarked on a nation wide campaign. Terming Ek Bharat Abhiyan – Kashmir Ki Aur as a movement of national resurgence Dr Chrungoo called upon the whole nation to wake up to the stark reality and understand that the assault and genocidal war inflicted upon Kashmiri Hindus in 1990 is replicating and consuming the whole Indian Nation gradually and if necessary corrective measures are not taken at this stage, we might end up losing this mighty nation to the onslaught of these theo fascist forces.

The national convention was compeered by Shri. Shalinder Aima (Sr. Vice Chairman) Panun Kashmir and Shri. Dileep Kaul ( Senior Activist). The resolution adopted was narrated by Shri. Ramesh Manvati ( Sr Activist PK). The cultural skits and Saraswati Vandana was performed by artists from Jagati under the guidance of Shri. Upender Ambardar.

Source : Press Release by Panun Kashmir

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