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Greatness of Hindu Dharma – Lecture in a Baithak at Vypin, Kerala

Vypin : In Baithak organised by Dharmabhimanis at Matha Amritanandamayi Mutt, Vypin, volunteers of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti got an opportunity to give a lecture on 22nd January. Shri. Nandkumar Kaimal of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti spoke on ‘Importance of Dharmacharan’ during this occasion.

The baithak began with prayer and few minutes of chanting. Initially Shri. P.T Raju, a dharmabhimani from Kodungallur spoke about the attacks faced by Hindu Dharma in Kerala – from forces of Islam, Christianity and Communisim. He also explained the problems faced by the present day Hindu society and the need for youth to arise against it. One other Dharmabhimani Shri Baiju spoke about the past history of Vypin and how the Hindu society here is facing various problems today. An activist of Hindu Helpline, Shri. Shreeraj Kaimal spoke about its activities.

Shri. Nandakumar Kaimal explained how Spirituality can help to solve the above mentioned problems and how Dharmshikshan (education about Dharma) can bring about changes in each individual, family and the society as a whole. He stressed the relevance of Unity in Hindus ie Sanghe Shakti Kalouyuge.

Around 50 people who took part in the baithak and benefitted from the same.

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