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Jallikattu : A gallant sport, awakening valour amongst Hindus

It is a custom in Tamil Nadu to celebrate their harvest festival ‘Pongal’ holding Jallikattu competition since thousands of years. Its reference is found in the ancient Tamil literature. Information on different views available on this sport is given here for our readers.

1. ‘Jalli’ means a coin and ‘kattu’ means bag. Earlier, a bag of coin used to be tied to horns of a bull and it used to be left on an open ground. A gallant person, who could tame that bull, used to get the bag of coins and was felicitated as a valiant hero of that village. Later, there were changes in the manner of playing this sport. A person, who could hold withers of such bull for a minute, was declared as the winner; which is the present form of this sport.

2. It was also said that the main purpose of this sport was to nurture Indian cattle and awaken valour amongst Hindus. In olden days, a temple used to keep a bull that has won the game was taken care by local residents and it was called as ‘Gram nandi’ and such ‘Gram nandis’ used to be exchanged every 3 years for healthy and robust breeding; with gram-nandis’ of surrounding villages.

3. A story is told about this sport giving reference of ‘Bhagavatam’. King Pandu had put a condition for marriage of his daughter named Neeladevi called as Naipini in Tamil) that a person who would be able to tame 7 bulls, would marry his daughter. Bhagavan Shrikrushna won that challenge and married the princess.

Central Government gives a reference of Bhagavan Shrikrushna in support of the sport ‘Jallikattu’; whereas Tamil Nadu Government gives reference of Indus culture in its support !

1. In an affidavit filed by the Central Government in Supreme Court, ‘Jallikattu’ has been supported by giving reference to Bhagavan Shrikrushna and Mahabharata. Bull fight is a very ancient sport. Bhagavan Shrikrushna had to fight 7 bulls for marrying Princess Naganajiti. The Central Government has also stated in its affidavit that races between bulls or bullock-carts or sports like ‘Jallikattu’ etc were important for nurturing healthy breeding of cattle.

2. Tamil Nadu Government has also explained mythological significance of ‘Jallikattu’ in its affidavit filed in Supreme Court. It has been stated that reference of ‘Jallikattu’ was found in Indus culture. Such competitions were held even in olden days and as per the provisions of Constitution, ‘Jallikattu’ is necessary for preserving cultural heritage.

Objection to ‘Jallikattu’ is a conspiracy to separate India from her original culture ! – Tamil Nadu Govt.

Few people, who have become puppets in the hands of multinational companies, have hatched a plot to separate India from her original culture, was the statement made on behalf of Tamil Nadu Government in Supreme Court.

Perversion that has entered the sport of ‘Jallikattu’ with time needs to be removed !

Presently, few perversions (such as giving liquor to bulls for fast running, putting chilli powder in their eyes, gambling on this sport etc) have entered this sport. Also due to interference of anti-Hindus, there is controversy surrounding this sport. Many patrons of our culture demand, that perversions which have entered this sport, should be removed.

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