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Temple Committee members bully Hindus for explaining to warakaris about sale of Cows to Butchers

Jyeshtha Shuddha Pournima, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

Pandharpur (Maharashtra): It was brought to light recently that the Government Vitthal Mandir Committee had sold to butchers, the cows received by the temple from devotees. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) and other pro-Hindu organizations were explaining the issue to warakaris in the premises of the temple when Jayant Bhandare, a member of the Committee tried to prevent the devout Hindus from explaining and he intimidated them. (Note the criminal mentality of members of the Government Mandir Committee ! How such members must be looking after the management of the temple is evident from this incident ! – Editor SP)

Mr. Vivek Benare, the city-President of Hindu Mahasabha reached there on coming to know about the member’s intimidation and he told Mr. Bhandare that the explanation was given in a lawful manner; but Bhandare was in no mood to listen. He lodged a complaint with the police to suppress voice of devout Hindus. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) had, however, already taken permission from the police station to stage drive against the Mandir Committee, therefore, Bhandare’s complaint was not registered, informed Police Inspector Ombase. 


Source : Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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