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I am a ‘saffron terrorist’

By Apoorv Chowdhry

A non-secular symbol which may incite communal hatred (Liberal logic)

Hello everyone, this is the right time to introspect on how the self hating Hindus along with ‘intellectual terrorists’ are working against the ‘real secular fabric’ of our nation. The ever evolving definition of secularism in India is undoubtedly directing its citizens to mock the Hindu Dharma (Sanatana Dharma) and ridicule the Hindu way of life,our customs,beliefs and practices. Few days back during the Jaipur literature festival when a huge mob of a particular community publicly threatened the author Taslima Nasreen the ‘Secular(Liberal)gang’ was silent. In the first week of January 2017 when a petty cleric issued a fatwa against the Prime minister of our nation, the ‘secular gang’ was silent. When fatwas were issued against the renowned musician A. R. Rahman and young actress Zaira Wasim and when the actors Shahid Kapoor and Irrfan khan were attacked while shooting for the movie Haider in Kashmir, the famous ‘bollytards’ were nowhere to be seen. And when Shri Rajput Karni Sena raised their voice against the illogical distortion of historical facts related to the legend of Maharani Padmini of Chittor(Mewar), the whole nation under the leadership of pseudo-intellectual liberals, the secular gang, the ‘award waapsi’ gang, leftists and bollytards started shedding tears and labelled the Hindus as ‘Saffron terrorists,sanghis and bhakts’ . Now ‘INTOLERANCE’ will again become the latest buzzword and news channels like BBC and NDTV will daily broadcast ,that how intolecance is on the rise in India.

The secular gang declared Jallikattu as an act of cruelty against animals but ‘beef consuming’ is just a regular eating habit, terrorists like Afzal Guru (2001 Indian parliament attack), Burhan Wani (Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorist group), Yakub Memon (1993 Bombay bomb blasts), Abdul Latif (Hardcore criminal,Raees fame) are the national heroes of the secular gang, the Gujarat and Muzaffarnagar riots were projected as the biggest loss to the world but the exodus of Kashmiri pandits from their motherland and communal riots in West Bengal were small incidents because many Hindus were brutally massacred. Please remember,every act of violence and vandalism and every riot is a great loss to the nation and every life is as important as the other,but many media houses and newspapers which are owned by the secular gang will deliberately sensationalize only those issues where they can effortlessly manage to malign the image of the Hindus.

PLEASE, WAKE UP INDIA BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE. The ‘Secular gang’ is dividing our nation. They are the flag bearers of ‘INTELLECTUAL TERRORISM’. They follow a fix pattern of appeasing one community at the cost of the other. They are the biggest hypocrites,please do not listen to what they say,pay no heed to them. We Hindus have divided ourselves by varna, gotra, jati and kula and today we are paying a very heavy price for that. We should forget all the differences and unite.We must stand for the truth.In the end i would like to quote a famous Sanskrit shloka: “ महानप्येकजो वृक्षो बलवान् सुप्रतिष्ठितः । प्रसह्य एव वातेन शक्यो धर्षयितुं क्षणात् ॥ “ (Meaning : No matter how strong and mighty a tree is, but if it is standing alone, the winds may uproot it within a few seconds.)

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat

Source : Facebook

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