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Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held at Bagalkot (Karnataka), 600 Hindus attend

‘Islamization’ of India will take place if Kashmir problem is ignored ! – Shri. Gangadhar Kulkarni, Sriram Sene, Karnataka

From left – Sou. Veena Nayak, Sou. Vidula Haldipur (lighting lamp) Shri. Gangadhar Kulkarni and Shri. Guruprasad

Bagalkot : Few politicians, though living in this country, are trying to divide her by being disloyal. The then politicians gave shelter to fanatics after independence; but in 1990, fanatics drove out Hindus from Kashmir. The problem faced by Hindus in Kashmir should not be faced by any Hindu. If it is ignored, there will be ‘Islamization’ of whole of India, stated Shri. Gangadhar Kulkarni of Sriram Sena.

Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha was recently held by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) at B. B. Nilugalla Kalyan Mandap of ‘Shri Rachoteshwar Mandir Restoration Committee’ which was addressed by him. Sou. Vidula Haldipur of Ranaragini Division, Sou. Veena Nayak of Sanatan Sanstha and Shri. Guruprasad, State Coordinator of HJS for Karnataka shared the dais with him. The ‘sabha’ was attended by around 600 devout Hindus. In a meeting held after the ‘sabha’, devout Hindus promised to take active part in ‘Dharmakarya’.

Inspiring speeches by speakers

Love jihad is a big conspiracy ! – Sou. Vidula Haldipur, Ranaragini Division

Corruption is growing everywhere. Day by day, it is becoming difficult for women to go out and work. Police force is falling short in protecting ordinary citizens; therefore, there is an atmosphere of fear in society. Getting trained in self-defence is the only answer to all these problems. Protection of own body, house, society, nation and Dharma means self-defence.

Hindu unification is the only solution to all problems ! – Sou. Veena Nayak, Sanatan Sanstha

Attempts are being made since many years to eliminate Hindu Dharma; but Dharma protected self. Hindu unification is the only solution to all problems. Let us worship God all the time; let us resolve to protect Dharma. People lack knowledge about Dharma. Every Hindu needs to be imparted ‘Dharmashikshan’.

Deception of Hindus under the guise of secularism ! – Shri. Guruprasad, HJS

Bharat is not only land but it is the mother. The goal of all pro-Hindu organizations is the same and that is Hindu Rashtra. Most of the Hindus have, however, become secular. Conversions are increasing with baits of money. Money donated in our temples is used for non-Hindus. Churches are run by only Christians; only Muslims run mosques but people of all religions are managing Hindus’ temples. Hindus are misled under the guise of secularism. The present young generation is getting destroyed due to addictions.

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