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Advocates need to fight with unity against incidents harming nation and Dharma : Ramesh Shinde

Advocates make resolve to take active part in establishment of Hindu Rashtra and create history !    

Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi : Earlier in ancient times, ‘Rajguru’ used to select another king in Bharat if the prevailing king caused harm to people’s interests. In ancient system, the King didn’t have any rights except for tax and security and it was people’s rule in true sense of the term. The present elected representatives have serious crimes in their name and they are passing laws. Will such laws be truly for welfare of people ? Elected representatives are misusing their power for political interests. Advocates are therefore, expected to protect ‘Hindutvavadis’ from injustice. Giving mental strength to family of pro-Hindu activists; helping them in judicial process is what is expected of advocates. If they fight with unity against every incident responsible for causing harm to nation and Dharma, establishment of Hindu Rashtra is not far off, stated Shri. Ramesh Shinde, the national spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS), quite assuringly.

Advocates’ Convention was started from 9th May and on 12th May, the concluding day of this Convention, Shri. Ramesh Shinde gave guidance in morning session. All advocates made a resolve to take active part in the mission of establishment of Hindu Rashtra and create history. Amidst slogans acclaiming ‘Jayatu Jayatu Hindu Rashtram’, they decided to fight with unity against incidents responsible for causing harm to nation and Dharma. Participating advocates attending Convention from all over Bharat got their doubts on spiritual science clarified, during the 4 days of Convention.

Filing cases of defamation helps in having some control over anti-Hindus ! – Advocate Ramdas Kesarkar

Hindus are targeted in this secular system. Presently, it is the policy of media to write derogatory things about Hindu Dharma, Saints etc without having any knowledge and criticize and insult Deities. Secular rulers, pro (re) gressive factions talk nonsense and media give lot of publicity to them. It is therefore, necessary that advocates should come forward and file cases of defamation in this regard. Sanatan Sanstha has filed cases of libel against those making nasty statements and writing offensive matter about Sanatan Sanstha, ‘Pratpar Guru’ Dr Athavale and Sanatan seekers; therefore, filing of cases puts some curb over people involved in talking and writing against Sanatan. Sanatan’s legal fights drew success only with Guru’s grace. Every time God only helps and suggests things. Let us remember that we do not want to become a good advocate but we want to be good seeker-advocate and act accordingly, said advocate Ramdas Kesarkar, Sanatan’s honorary legal advisor.

Taking active part in establishment of Hindu Rashtra will be spiritual practice ! – Shri. Chetan Rajhans, Sanatan Sanstha

Democracy is not wrong but secular democracy is wrong because if ‘Raja-satta’ has base of ‘Dharma-satta’, only then society and people will experience good days. Thousands of years ago, there was democracy in kingdoms of Takshasheela and Mohenjoaro. All people were leading happy, satisfying life since there was hold of ‘Dharma-satta’ over ‘Raja-satta’. There is need to change the definition of corrupt democracy. In last 69 years, no facilities have been extended to people by such democracy. There is no base of Dharma as per spiritual science; therefore, the present democratic governance will not be able to sustain the test of time. Considering the failure of democracy, if action is taken for establishment of ideal Hindu Rashtra, that will be our ‘sadhana’ as per time, stated Shri. Chetan Rajhans, the spokesperson of Sanatan Sanstha.

Even a small action taken for protection of nation and Dharma gives lot of happiness ! – advocate Suresh Kulkarni

Sacrifice and selflessness have lot of importance in human life. That is what Sanatan seekers are doing; therefore, there is happiness on their faces. When time is taken out from personal work for protection of nation and Dharma, even a small action gives lot of happiness and it will be experienced by advocates. Whenever we get free time in Court, we should try to chant and do some ‘seva’, said advocate Suresh Kulkarni. He said, “If I am able to help Sanatan even for 100 days in a year, I will consider myself very fortunate.”

On 12th May, during morning session, Advocate Archana from Tamil Nadu and advocate Devendra Pendase from Madhya Pradesh narrated their experiences of legal fights against cases of harm caused to nation and Dharma. Advocate Archana told about the indifference towards Dharma shown by local administrative officers while fighting a Court-case against an elected representative who had grabbed wealth belonging to most revered Hindus’ temples.  Advocate Devendra Pendase narrated points noted by him during Court case fought against Bangla Deshi infiltrators encroaching on Hindus’ lands in Madhya Pradesh. These advocates told how God helps when cases for protection of nation and Dharma were fought in Court.

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