Sudarshan TV: Only channel spreading Hinduism and Nationalism

Ashadh Shuddha Pratipada, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

Many pro-Hindu philosophers have started periodicals with the purpose of spreading pro-Hindu thoughts among the people and for people to get introduced to intense pro-Hindu thoughts; but we have not heard about a pro-Hindu TV channel. Mr. Suresh Chavanake from Shirdi has started such channel under the name ‘Sudarshan T. V.’ against all odds, despite lack of necessary financial support, only due to his faith in the principle of sustaining and growing Hinduism in society. It is very commendable on the part of Mr. Chavanake to have undertaken this task without any financial backing.

Mr. Suresh Chavanake

Mr. Suresh Chavanake

Seekers of Sanatan Sanstha called on Mr. Chavanake to interview him so that Hindus know about his mission. Given below is the information given by Mr. Chavanake regarding starting of this TV channel, its journey, future policies, his experiences and obstacles faced by him in this process. 

TV Channel started operating from the year 2007

Question: You have started the movement through the medium of ‘Sudarshan TV’ for the welfare of this Nation; how and  from where did you get the inspiration to start such channel ?

Mr. Chavanake: I have been working in social field from my childhood. I have been born and brought up in the land of Saints. I used to feel that we can see ‘India’ on all TV channels but not ‘Bharat’; although, all people associated with the channels bear just Indian names; but all programs are non-Indians. Few programs, (like ‘Raakhi ka Swayamvar‘) telecast under the name of showing our culture, are, in fact, the examples of how western culture has attacked Indian culture. That time I used to run a newspaper on internet named ‘Batami Dot Com’. I, therefore, felt that it was impossible to reach all over the country through internet. In those days and even now, most of the TV channels have hatched a conspiracy to harm ‘Bharat’ and some are causing harm unknowingly.  I, therefore, felt that there needs to be a channel which is of nationalist views and will give priority to national interest; therefore, ‘Sudarshan’ channel was started in the year 2007.

Question: Is anyone helping you in running the channel with philanthropic approach ?

Mr. Chavanake: Help is required in 4 to 5 forms for any big project; one is financial assistance which nobody gives. Second is manpower. In commercial project, nobody is ready to work without a cost. WE did get few persons who worked on voluntary basis; but the biggest capital required is supporters; that will give psychological support and its is there with ‘Sudarshan’ to a large extent. Not a single pro-Hindu organization in this country has given financial help to ‘Sudarshan’ so also none of the organizations who call themselves as ‘Marathi’ has helped in any way. I am the only Marathi person in India with a TV channel.      

Encouraging response received for telecast on Amarnath, Ram-setu, M F Husain etc.

Question: You are running this TV channel in the interest of the Nation. What is the response from the society? Can you narrate any experience in this regard?

Mr. Chavanake: There are many experiences. ‘Sudarshan’ channel was the first one to support the ‘Amarnath Land’ movement. This was the movement started by Hindus in India after many years or may be centuries. When we decided to support this movement, we were not sure about people’s response; whether they would accept this as a movement. We, however, received very good response from Hindus. Many people congratulated us by calling us up and through faxes. We had similar experience in the case of ‘Ram-setu’ and viewers supported even on the issue of M F Husain. There is an advantage in taking up nationalist issues. In case of M F Husain, all channels were speaking for Husain; thus viewers supporting Husain were divided. I was the only one opposing Husain and therefore, all those opposing him came together to ‘Sudarshan’. This is a gain in a way.

Question: Has anyone tried to create obstacles when you are operating the channel as a vow? How did you overcome the problems and what types of obstacles were faced by you?

Mr. Chavanake: You have only answered your question. When something is undertaken as a vow, it becomes the mission of God to help keep such vow. We only have to make a resolve and I have made one resolve that ‘Not only the channel but the country should become number one. This is also the motto of ‘Sudarshan Channel’ and God’s help is required to keep this vow. Our country should get back its past glory for Gods to reside here. God is going to help those who are trying for His staying in this country. What remains to be tackled are the adversaries. Some people for money and some for the views advocated by the channel, refuse to telecast programs of this channel. This is always the case with nationalist movement. The supporters of nationalist movement take time to come together; but the opponents unite quickly and they keep on opposing with full strength. Another challenge before us is that when we prepare programs with nationalist thoughts, getting sponsors is a problem as the sponsors first see the draft of the program to decide about sponsorship.

‘Devout Hindus’ Chavanake wears traditional clothes when he goes on the air for commentating

Question: There is suppression of periodicals publishing pro-Hindu views in this country. What is your opinion on this as an editor of a TV channel?

Mr. Chavanake: In this country, many have the mentality that ‘Why should I bother if other person is suffering’.  Till such mentality is not changed, the suppression will be there. All multi-media have given a negative meaning to the word ‘Hindu’; therefore, they try to avoid saying the word ‘Hindu’. Not a single commentator in any of the channels will be seen with a ‘tilak’ on his forehead or wearing a chain or a ring with a stone for planetary favours. Even if some commentator does wear such thing, he has to remove it before facing the camera. It is, of course, not a rule; but lack of self-confidence makes such channels work in this manner. When I do some program wearing a traditional dress, people call up to say that they liked my attire. People are not against it but such people from the channels are going away from Hinduism.

Govt. has not yet opposed which is a big help for us !

Question: Has the Government extended any assistance so far?

Mr. Chavanake: I consider it as a great help from the Government that it has not opposed the channel.

Pro-Hindu parties are not serious towards the media

Question: Today, when the Nation and Dharma are in danger, has the time come for media to unite and work in the interest of the Nation ?

Mr. Chavanake: Pro-Hindu parties do not have much knowledge of media and if they have, they do not look upon the media seriously and even if they regard the media seriously, they do not give importance to it. I am not saying that they do not have the money or the power. One cannot say that those who are fighting election for the 500 seats of MPs and 200 seats of MLAs, do not have money; but basically, they do not give importance to such things and therefore, they are not ready to invest money in this venture. Till this perspective does not change, media will not be ready to stand for pro-Hindu parties. I feel that when a person like me tries to stand up for them, Hindus feel that he is not one of them.

Plan to bring all pro-Hindu organizations on one platform

Question: Are there any nationalist mass media that is interested in working with you? Are you prepared to contribute with them in some way?

Mr. Chavanake: Definitely! This year after 18th December which is my birthday, I have set a goal.  The manner in which attempts are made to bring virtuous persons from the society to politics; I will approach virtuous persons to bring them to mass media. If the evil in the media has to be eliminated, how we add more pure water to remove existing dirt from water, therefore, I will make attempts in that direction.

The second goal of the year will be, ‘I will try to bring all such organizations which have interest of the Nation at heart, together on one platform’. I make an appeal to even those who might be running a very small periodical; either a weekly or fortnightly to extend cooperation to ‘Sudarshan’ TV.

Let a ‘Hindu’, first remain a ‘Hindu’ !

Question: What message will you give to Hindus, in short ?

Mr. Chavanake: First, let a Hindu person remain a Hindu. Do not let him drift away from Hinduism. Then unite him and create a capable Nation for him. It is talked about protection of our borders etc; but for whom is it done? The present Indian does not like to be known as a Hindu. Do you then want to protect your boundaries for Hindus who believe in USA or Europe? Let him be first an Indian Hindu. If he is going somewhere else, first bring him back.

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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