Ashadh Shuddha Dwitiya, Kaliyug Varsha 5112
Mumbai (Maharashtra): The pro-Hindu ‘Sudarshan’ Hindi news channel is now available even on ‘Videocon DTH / D2H’. The number of this channel is 322. The above information was given by Mr. Uday Joshi, the Maharashtra Chief of the news channel. He said, “Presently, there are about 40 lakh viewers of ‘Videocon DTH’ channel. In Maharashtra, this channel can be viewed at places like Baramati, Satara, Nagar, Khandesh and Vidarshanarbha’ and soon it will be seen even in Mumbai, Thane, Raigad and Pune districts. Shortly, a special news bulletin for Mumbai will be telecast in Marathi at 10.00 p.m.”
‘Dharma-satsangs’ produced by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and Sanatan Sanstha, Chennai are telecast on ‘Sudarshan’ channel between 8.30 a.m. and 9.00 a.m. in which information on Hindus’ festivals, religious festivals and matters related to ‘Dharmacharan’ are shown.
Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat
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