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HJS participation in guiding ‘Hindutvavaids’ and youth from Nepal

Report of Nepal visit of ‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale, national Guide of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS)

Youth attending ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale’s guidance at ‘Santosh Saha Foundation’

Kathmandu : ‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale, national guide of HJS is on tour of Nepal. He has been participating in spiritual programs in educational institutions and meetings with professionals, guiding them. The local FM radio interviewed him when he gave guidance on Hindu Dharma and sadhana; so also clarified doubts of the participants.

1. Participating Saints in ‘Sarvasamaveshi Yadnyopavit’ program are soldiers protecting Dharma ! – Shri Shrinivas Maharaj

Shiv Sena, Nepal and Shri Shivashakti Rahuleshwarananda Foundation had organized a program for ‘Sarvasamaveshi (for people from all castes and creeds) Yadnyopavit sacred thread)’. Paramhansa Satguru Rahuleshwarananda Maharaj initiated all boys into ‘Gayatri Mantra’ in the presence of Shri Shrinivas Maharaj, a young revolutionary Saint of Nepal, ‘Mahant Yogi’ Shri Shrishnath Maharaj of Pashupati Mrugasthali, Shiv Sena Nepal’s President Shri. Anil Basnet besides ‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale, the national Guide of HJS. Shri. Shrinivas Maharaj said in his guidance, “Saints are soldiers protecting Dharma. Their saffron robes are not for earning money but for protection of Dharma and it should not be forgotten.”

Performing a ritual only for the sake of performing is a kind of unrighteousness ! – ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale 

‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale said, “There is no base of science for the concept of observing ‘touchability and non-touchability’ in Sanatan Dharma. The meaning of ‘Upnayan’ in ‘Upnayan sanskar’ means sending to Guru’s place for learning Gayatri mantra. The other meaning of ‘Upnayan’ is inner eye. A ritual through which inner eyes of a soul open after undertaking ‘sadhana’ or help in opening inner eyes is known as ‘Upnayan’. If one understands the purpose behind performing any ‘sanskar/ ritual’, then one gets benefit out of performing such ‘sanskar’; helping to merge with God; else performing any ritual just for the sake of it, without knowing its basic purpose, is in a way unrighteousness.”

2. Guidance organized at Tribhuvan University

Study Dharma and teach others while abiding by Dharma is the duty towards Dharma !

Professor Dr. Govindasharan Upadhyay of Tribhuvan University at Kathmandu had organized a program in which Dr. Charudatta Pingale gave guidance on the present condition of Hindus. He said, “In any war, enemy is the central focal point; similarly, while working for protection of Dharma, firstly recognizing enemy of Dharma is necessary. Presently going against Hindus; blindly following western culture by discarding own culture is known as secularism. It is therefore, necessary to educate self in Dharma matters and abide by Dharma. Teaching this knowledge to others is our duty towards Dharma.” He clarified doubts asked by participants.

3. Guidance in a program organized by Santosh Saha Foundation

Under ‘Nepal-India Future Venture Dialogue Series’ held by ‘Santosh Saha Foundation’ of ‘Samarthya Sarokar Nepal’, ‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale gave guidance on the topic of ‘Education in Dharma and Sanskar: Shared Values in Modern Day Nepal-India Relations’; followed with special program on clarification of doubts. Participants asked questions such as ‘What is education’, ‘What is information and knowledge’, ‘What is Dharma’, ‘What is Sanskar’ etc. He explained, in detail, on these subjects. Discussions were held on shortcomings in western education and its adverse effects on society. The need for Dharma and Sanskar in education was also explained. ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale made an appeal to all participants for learning ‘Dharma’ matters (Dharmashikshan) and people to be motivated for acquiring such knowledge. 21 young men and women attended the program. ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale said while clarifying their doubts, “We should start from where we are, for getting experience of our inner-self. One must start putting into practice whatever little is known about spirituality.” In an answer to another question, he said that removal of personality defects and ego was necessary for leading happy life.

4. In an interview on FM radio, ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale explains various spiritual features regarding Holi festival !

Professor Janardan Ghimire conducted interview of ‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale on Kantipur FM radio. While extending greeting for Holi festival, ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale said, “Holi is a phase of elimination. Evil qualities i.e. defects and six foes so also ignorance is impurity which is eliminated and path to merge with God is found through Holi. As a mark of victory over evil energies i.e. defects, we set on fire ‘Holi’ which is external symbol of defects and celebrate our joy. ‘Lack of Dharmashikshan’ is certain to take a person on the path of unrighteousness. Our birth is for understanding own Dharma and own inner form. Hindus should not be Hindus only by birth but they need to learn ‘Dharmashastra’; act based on the acquired knowledge and achieve the final goal of learning own true self. Impart Dharmashikshan to people and try to achieve our goal in life.”

5. Interview of ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale published in ‘Naya Patrika’

Shri. Parashuram Kafale, a reporter of Nepali daily newspaper ‘Naya Patrika’ interviewed ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale when he came to know that ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale was in Nepal. His interview covering almost half page along with his photograph was published in this newspaper.

‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale said in the interview, “An ailment cannot be cured only by learning by heart a prescription given by a doctor but one has to take those medicines. Similarly, there is benefit when you do something after knowing the science or practising spirituality under Saint’s or Guru’s guidance helps in God realization.”

6. Interview of ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale on religious channel of Nepal called ‘Bhakti-Darshan’

Hindu Rashtra based on righteousness is required for good personal life and good social conditions !

The only religious channel in Nepal i.e. ‘Bhakti-Darshan’, telecast an interview with ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale in its program called ‘Bhaktidarshan Clinic’. While explaining the reason for turning to spirituality despite education in medical field, he told about limitations of medical science and meaning of a person’s good health as defined by World Health Organization. He told about the changes carried out in phases in the definition of health while initially explaining physical health and later physical and mental health; followed with physical, mental and social health and lastly, physical, mental, social and spiritual health. He said spiritual person has good mental and intellectual health. Today, people lack ‘Dharmashikshan’; therefore, they have gone away from Dharma, leading to increase in problems faced in their personal and social life. Dharma teaches everyone to perform his duty. If one doesn’t perform one’s duty, it results in failure of every system. Righteous Hindu Rashtra is therefore, necessary for maintaining sound position of personal and social life. Kum. Manita interviewed ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale.

I was saved only because of the advice given by ‘Pujya’ Dr. Pingale on chanting and doing ‘Nyaas’ ! – Dr. Madhav Bhattarai

“Pujya’ Dr. Pingale paid visit to Dr. Madhav Bhattarai, the President of ‘Dharmasabha Nepal and Sanatan Hindu Morcha’. Dr. Bhattarai is not keeping well for some time and his health has deteriorated. Dr. Bhattarai said, “I have been initiated by 4-5 Gurus in life so far and following their teachings; but I was saved only with the chant you gave me and by doing ‘nyaas’ as told by you.” Dr. Pingale said to him, “Paratpar Guru Dr. Athavale is protecting you since you are working, even at this age, for protection of Dharma and for Nepal becoming a Hindu Rashtra.”

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