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Sadhvi Ritambhara blesses California Hinduism Summit

Ashadh Krushna Navami, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

Sunnyvale (USA):. At the Sunnyvale Hindu Temple earlier today, volunteers (saadhaks) of Forum for Hindu Awakening (FHA), Nilesh Shirodkar and Sonali Potrekar had an opportunity to meet with Sadhvi Rithambhara and seek Her blessings. The saadhak volunteers experienced waves of energy (shakti) , sandalwood fragrance (in the absence of any lit incense) and continues chanting of deity in mind started occurring with sensation at the Adnya charka (forehead charka) as the Sadhvi entered the room.

During the meeting, the volunteers mentioned the current problems facing the Hindu community, such as the rampant denigration of Hinduism and genocide of Hindus, and the need for Hinduism education to awaken Hindus and to dispel misconceptions about Hinduism at large. The volunteers presented to the Sadhvi the Forum for Hindu Awakening’s materials, such as an informational souvenir detailing the unique science behind Hindu concepts and practices. 

The Sadhvi listened on, as She peered through the materials with interest and asked to keep with Her the brochure citing examples of M. F. Husain’s denigrating paintings of Hindu Deities. She asked specific questions about the denigrations cited in the souvenir, such as ‘Where did it take place?’, ‘Was it in a newspaper in India?’, etc. The Sadhvi was pleased to hear about the Forum for Hindu Awakening’s efforts to bring about understanding, living and preserving of Hinduism worldwide. She abundantly blessed the California Hinduism Summit, to be held on 28th August 2010 at the Sunnyvale Temple, jointly organized by Forum for Hindu Awakening and Sunnyvale Hindu Temple.

After Her guidance discourse at the temple, Sadhvi Ritambhara urged the listeners to participate in the Hinduism Summit on 28th August 2010. As She was departing, the FHA saadhak volunteers paid gratitude to Her for Her blessings and support for the Hinduism Summit. At the time, the Sadhvi reassured them, “FHA is contributing to our mission of spreading Dharma; all the Divine Energies are with you, you need not worry !”

Forum for Hindu Awakening (FHA) and Sunnyvale Hindu Temple are non-profit, tax exempt organizations in USA. Sadhvi Ritambhara is a famous Hindu ascetic leader from India. Sadhvi is a spiritual, Sanskrit title for an ascetic.

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