We at Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) have received several complaints from Hindus regarding the poster and teaser uploaded on YouTube of the upcoming film “Bank Chor” starring Riteish Deshmukh impersonating a Hindu swami and holding a gun. The poster basically portrays the Hindu trinity, which objectify highly revered Hindu Deities, Shri Vishnu, Shiv and Shri Datta. You can view the poster by clicking this website: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3611266/
Upon reviewing the website, the HJS team immediately notified and appealed to the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) requesting them to review the poster and take appropriate action against the producer of this film. In the appeal, HJS explained how Hindu saints have been maligned and typecast by this poster. In addition, the appeal also mentioned that Bollywood has depicted Hindu saints, swamis and pundits in a humiliating manner and also expressed concerns regarding the petty tactics used by the film producer to attract publicity through this vulgar poster.
Unfortunately, the HJS team has not received any response from the CBSF review committee. Consequently, HJS now requests all readers to appeal against this appalling denigration peacefully and lawfully by either calling the numbers or emailing CBFC, requesting them to remove the denigrating poster and any insensitive scenes from the movie.