Shravan Shukla Dwitiya, Kaliyug Varsha 5112
Maulani (Uttar Pradesh): In the ‘Little Roses Academy School’ in Maulani, ‘Life Prayer Centre’ church was planning to convert backward and poor Hindus during the prayer meeting on Sunday; but devout Hindus and pro-Hindu organizations foiled this attempt. (The action taken by alert Hindus from UP is enlightening for Hindus all over the world. If Hindus become active, this demon of conversion by Christians can be easily buried. – Editor SP) Some Christians from Korea were also to take part in the conversion program. BJP workers and some devout Hindus got the wind of it and they started demonstrations outside the church. (It has been proved time and again that the social and educational institutions opened by Christians are for conversions only; but the Congress Government and its administration, kowtowing to minorities, is deliberately ignoring such matters. – Editor SP) The police reached the place of incident and got information from the church. They also made enquiry with the Hindus attending the program when it came to light that few agents had brought them there. (True nature of Christians! – Editor SP) Then police ordered the directors of the church to cancel the prayer meeting. (Just canceling the prayer meeting will not help; but the Christians who are behind such conspiracy of conversion should be taken to task to avoid repetition of such incidents in future. For this, Hindus should bring pressure on the police in lawful manner ! – Editor SP)
Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat
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